
Thursday, October 3, 2024


 With Alex's new job, school and sports -  September passed by at lightning speed!  Alex started his new job on the 23rd and moved out there the 20th.  He also had trip for work earlier in the month so it's been a long month without him.  However I picked my mom up the 20th and she has been a ton of help.

Since I am moving nad blink closed I decided to keep up the classes but out of my home/garage.

Lunch with my gym ladies!

Sports are going strong.  Volleyball everyday for McKay.  Clifton made the JV soccer team (as a freshman - super proud of him) sad move and not to be apart of the games but glad he gets to practice with them and keep his time on the ball up.  AND I didn't know wed be moving so I signed up to coach Stanley and Hazen's soccer team.  So here goes nothing!

Saturday we had a goodbye Blink potluck.  I sure do love this group and all the amazing people I got to meet.

More Rufus and Hazen bath time.

Finally announced to everyone we are heading to Colorado

Worked hard to get the house ready for the market and got it up.

Spent a weekend with YW conference teaching a fitness class.  And some how kicked my butt teaching ;)

Lunch dates!

Friends coming and supporting McKay!

The day of my first showing without Alex. Wasn't an easy day!  Stanley decided to go around labeling things so the people who were coming to the house to look at it knew who's it was.

Thank goodness for magic erasers.

Bonked my head pretty good and needed to sit down for a while.

But keeping busy selling/buying a house and teaching classes.  We had to move the weight class to a bigger place.  Love that people are still joining me!

The company paid for my mom to come to Texas so I could join Alex in Colorado and house hunt.  AND I already love Colorado.  The views, the weather, the fresh air!
Took advantage of free time together and hit the golf course again.

And before we hit up another day of house hunting we went for a hike!  Choose a simple hike that we could take the kids on one day and loved every minute of it.

Can't believe we get to live in such a beautiful place.  I hope we just love it and we build a Colorado friend family soon.  The trip was a success!  We found a house and put an offer on it.  It was a stressful weekend though.  We found and feel in love with a house that has everything we want.  But comes with a high price tag and far from Alex's work.  Closer to Colorado Springs.  BUT it feels right!  So here we go!  Bring on October.

Rest of August

 Busy busy busy and SO much happening!

First... Blink (my gym I have been teaching at the last 4+ years) filled for bankruptcy and closed.  I decided to cut the stupid uniform they said we had to wear,  felt good.  Stupid Blink.  At the same time we found out Alex had an interview for a promotion within Lockheed Martin but the job is in Colorado.

Silly Rufus loves to jump in the bath with Hazen.

McKay made the volleyball team at school!!!
Kids in school means I get to sneak away with friends during the day.

Then I got to have a fun moms night over.  Much needed with all the stress of unknowns going on.  Dallas trip at the Hilton Antanole Hotel.
Tried fowling

PLayed racquetball
And just enjoyed having some girl time.

But then back to it!  McKays season started and she's working hard.  So isn't great at competitive things, she gets really down on herself and expects perfection.  Doesn't deal with loss well.  But she's giving it her best.
Last dance party at Blink.  Man I love these people and it breaks my heart that its ending.

Last dance class at Blink, so thankful we filled the room one last time.  Meant a lot! Blink fitness group has taught me a lot about myself, gave me confidence, learned to be happy with who I am and being ok with being extra.  

So thankful for the wonderful friendships and connections I was ale to make.

Then we finally got around to celebrating Alex's 40th birthday.  His present is a trip to the Big Blue stadium in Michigan.  I am not sure I have seen him smile so big.  we had a great trip.

Golfing at such a beautiful golf course.

Exploring Henry Ford museum

Getting to have dinner with our niece and her husband.

Morning workout and lots of walking around the beautiful campus.

The game was SOOOOO crazy.  So many people and lots of fun.  Crazy fans.

Before we headed back home we explored Belle Isle Island.
Loved this trip!  It was a great way to celebrate Alex's 40th AND his job promotion we found out he had gotten!  Colorado here we come!!!!  So proud of him.