
Saturday, March 31, 2018

Updates on Clifton -
PTA had a fundraiser and did a karate week at school.  Clifton was excited to give it a try and loved it.
It was a fun class.

Updates on McKay -
Got to feel the baby move and is getting so excited to have a baby in the house.

Updates on Stanley -
Felt the baby move and now wants to feel the baby often.  He will just randomly push on my belly and if he doesn't feel anything say, "the baby is sleeping!"

Monday for FHE we hide eggs that had LED lights and scriptures and some candy in them.  Once they found them all, we read the scriptures to tell the Easter story.  I think we found a new tradition!
Glow in the dark easter egg hunt for the win!

Stanley had lots of fun this week getting outside and playing with his friend.

Until Tuesday night when he started throwing up.
 And then McKay joined him a couple hours later.
Snuggles all night long.

Tuesday Clifton went to his first cub scouts.
And loved every minute of it!

The next day McKay stayed home and they started to feel better.  So we took advantage of the sunshine and went for a walk.
And enjoyed lunch on our deck.
Clifton and I enjoyed some time together too, and went for a walk that evening.
Every know and then he lets his sweetness still come out.  He zoomed ahead of me and picked me a flower.

Thursday we got to sneak out to lunch with friends to celebrate Trissa's birthday.
Love these ladies!

Friday Alex had off and we enjoyed a nice walk together.
I just love him.  He doesn't enjoy going on walks but knows I am trying to stay active this pregnancy so he came to keep me motivated.
Stanley enjoyed the walk :)

Then I got to work getting things ready for the Easter Egg hunt I was running the next day in or neighborhood.
Jelly beans... now to not eat them all!

Friday night Clifton got the stomach bug and started throwing up.  It was a long night.  Then bright and early Saturday morning I got the bug and couldn't hold it back.  Although I managed to hold it together while I prepped for the Easter egg hunt.  Thanks for my hubby helping a lot more than he had planned to.
When we got to the park to set up, we spotted a BOB CAT!!!!
As soon as it heard me it ran away.  But it made me nervous, I had no idea they came out this close to our homes.  I made the kids hang out in the car while I set up, just in case.

I am so glad I had these ladies to help me and my very sick, unorganized self.  They were so much help!
 Thanks to our friend Kyle for being the Easter bunny!
 Face painting was a success.
 Games were crazy but a ton of fun.
And the hunt was a hit.  Although I felt horrible and unorganized I think it went well.  People seemed happy.  After clean up I went home and pretty much passed out for the rest of the day.

Because Clifton was throwing up all night we didn't let him go to the Cub Scout Pinewood derby, and he was pretty devastated.  However they still had his car race.  And his car got 2nd!
A big thank you to Misty for letting that happen.  He was so happy to get a trophy!

Sunday Clifton and I stayed home from church cause we were still not feeling 100% but were feeling much better by the evening.  So we got some egg dyeing done.
 Silly kids
Nothing super creative but fun.
And we busted out our chocolate bunny.
The Easter sacrifice.

We also got some March Madness in.  This is Clifton's reaction to Kansas's win.  Silly boy loves him some sports and is really hoping to win the family bracket.

Monday, March 26, 2018

Clifton is 8!!!!

Updates on Clifton -
He turned 8!!!  Getting him to smile for pictures isn't easy.  He loves anything and everything sports related.  Wakes up and turns on ESPN.  Reads a lot of sports books and could talk your ear off about sport facts.  Is as competitive as they come and loves to play any sport he can try.  And he is HANDSOME!  Love our boy.

Updates on McKay -
Doing a journal with McKay has really helped my self esteem.  She loves to leave me notes of affirmation and I love it too.

Updates on Stanley -
We are in the transition stage of no naps but most days end up with a unexpected nap any who.  Not my favorite transition, but it leads to cute sleeping pictures.

Monday was the most beautiful day this year.  The sun was shining and the temperature was in the 60's.  Oh it was a nice reminder of what is to come soon.
 We took advantage of the lovely weather and had a picnic by our pond while we listened to the frogs.
 Enjoyed s'mores.
And ended the night with a FHE treasure hunt.

This week we got to see baby.
We got a thumbs up letting us know he or she is doing great.  We took all the kids with us which was fun, until the boy got bored ;)  We had a new tech so it took a little longer than average but they all did like seeing the baby.  Stanley keeps asking if we can go back and see the baby again.

This week we got out and enjoyed the weather as much as possible.
Life is so much better when the sun is shining!

Saturday was Saint Patrick's Day.
 We painted our toast green and I made green eggs to celebrate.
This year I was also given cute pots and clover seeds to grow in them.  It was a fun addition to St. Patrick's Day.

That afternoon Clifton got together with a few friends and played flag football.  The weather worked in our favor and the boys had a blast.
Boys are fun!

Sunday was Clifton's actual birthday and a big day for him.  He got baptized!
He was looking mighty handsome and ready to go.
So proud of the decision he has made to be baptized. And so thankful for the many friends and family that came to be apart of his big day.  The spirit filled the room and it was a wonderful evening!

Clifton asked McKay and I to sing at his baptism and McKay is a natural.  She loves the lime light and has so much confidence.  I love it!
What a special moment with my sweet girl.