
Thursday, March 8, 2018

Updates on Clifton -
Had a very exciting week.  Making a cake, first scouting activity, field trip, spirit day, and pinewood derby.  Busy just like he likes it.

Updates on McKay -
She has gotten so good at reading.  Her teacher brings home books for her to read to us to show how much she is growing.  It is fun to watch her grow and her love for reading grow.

Updates on Stanley -
Had a rough week trying to heal from his head bonk.  He was extra sleepy and cranky but it has healed so well and by the end of the week he didn't complain about it anymore.

Alex headed to Georgia for the week and we kept super busy while he was away.  Monday night Clifton worked on his cake for Blue and Gold banquet.
He did well.  McKay was dying to help him but he wanted to do it all by himself. 

Tuesday night Clifton had his first scouting event.
Blue and Gold with a Chinese New Years theme.  A lot of fun!  Clifton is so very excited to be a scout.

Wednesday we spent a lot of time at school but the best part of the day is that we got to have lunch with Clifton.

Thursday Clifton was very excited for his field trip.  I sadly didn't get to go with him but got pictures of his fun.
And we got to play with our friend.
That night was the last night of the youth volleyball tournament.  After the finals game we played an all stars vs leaders game.  It was a lot of fun.
I really enjoy the youth in our stake and have enjoyed watching them have fun and be so kind to each other.  
 Although this has been a hard couple of months trying to manage this calling with everything else going on.  But I am so very thankful for my kiddos being patient and troopers through the season.  For the friends and new friends I made that helped with my kids while I tried to manage things.
Thankful for friends who came to help ref because they knew I needed extra help.  

Friday was spirit day at school.  We dressed up as Dr. Seuss characters for Dr. Seuss's birthday.
 Cat in the hat
 Fox in Socks
 The Grinch
 Thing 2
 Sam I Am
It's funny how similar we are to our characters.  Clifton's personality has definitely been like the Grinches lately.  McKay she loves animals.  Stanley is crazy like Thing 2.  And I have to force my kids to eat food like Sam I Am.  And Treasure well she's a cat in a hat.  We had fun dressing up.

We had lots of things to do at school today so we stopped in to have green eggs and ham with McKay.
I love that we can do this and Stanley loves getting school lunch.

That night was pinewood derby at the school.
 McKay placed 2nd in her grade.  She was thrilled!
I love McKay's celebration and Clifton's excitement for his sister.
A great event.  Alex got home in time to watch Clifton race his car.  He didn't place but his car did well and we had fun.

Saturday Clifton had a birthday party for a friend at an indoor BMX place.  I was very hesitant to take him because he is not confident on a bike.  Matter of fact he has pretty much given up once I took off the training wheels.  But he was insistent that he went.
And I am so glad we did.  He was so nervous and at first he was falling off after a couple feet down the ramp.  But once he gained confidence he was able to finish the track.  It was great to watch him get up and try again and again.  Now maybe he'll give his bike a try at home.

After the party we rearranged Clifton's room so we could fit Stanley in there as well.  Trying to give it a lot of time to adjust before baby comes.
And it's been rough transition.  Stanley loves to stay up as late as possible and be as loud as possible to keep Clifton awake.

Sunday was the start of the Sounder's season!
We are so excited for another season.  Go Sounders!

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