
Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Updates on Clifton -
Had a hard time being at home a lot this week and not being able to go outside much.

Updates on McKay -
Is such a homebody.  She has enjoyed the long week of being at home.  She gets it from her Dad!

Updates on Stanley -
I swear has grown a foot.  All the sudden all his pants are too short!

Monday and Tuesday there was no school, but Alex still had work.  We didn't do anything super adventurous but had a lot of fun playing with friends.
Decorating plates for Easter and running around the church gym to get energy out.

FHE fun.
We are getting closer to Clifton's baptism and have really enjoyed having this as a hot topic lately.

After FHE we finally put the last touches in our master bathroom.
The before and after pictures make me so happy!  Anything would look better than that pink overloaded bathroom.  We still have things that we would one day like to change but we are very happy with the transformation.  Now a break from remodeling because everything else seems overwhelming and expensive ;)

Tuesday we played floor hockey with friends.
Then headed to the Bug Museum.
We picked up caterpillars to watch transform into butterflies!

Then went home and decided to bake while the snow fell outside cause that just seems like what you should do when it snows.

Oh and ended the two days off with a Bored Jar because Clifton struggles without school and constant schedule.
Oh how I hate to hear I am bored 10 minutes after coming home from playing.  Hopefully this will help!

Wednesday McKay and Clifton went back to school.
After doing lots of PTA stuff and errands all morning we decided to stop at the bowling alley arcade to play.

We had snow on and off this week but nothing really sticking.
Snow is so beautiful!  But when we woke up Thursday we had lots and it had stuck.  I was sad to hear they didn't cancel school but wouldn't let that stop us form enjoying the snow and the 2 hour school delay.
 We went sledding with friends!
 I have been waiting for this opportunity all winter and thought it had passed.  So I was very pleased to be able to go sledding.  Too bad Alex had to go into work and miss out on the fun.  But luckily we had friends who wanted to join us.
What a fun morning.

Friday they canceled school.  I really think it was to make up for not canceling Thursday because we didn't have more snow and the roads were clear but it was very cold and could have been icy.
So we cuddled!  Well as long as they would let me lay still.

Saturday we headed to the mall for Clifton to get his first suit.
Alex and Clifton headed to look for his suit, while the others and I went to play at the play area.
Then before we left we played on the mall animals.
Fun morning at the mall.

Then Alex and I got to sneak away with friends to watch Black Panther.
I sat next to him, but he did make me sit apart until our friends showed up :)

Sunday after church we headed to a friends house to celebrate a baptism.  Stanley had a big crash outside.
 Oh golly!  So we went home to rest and keep an eye on him.

Sometimes I think my kids hate each other but it always surprises me in stressful or scary situations they come together.
Miss McKay was very sweet and wanted to sit with Stanley while he napped to keep an eye on him.  She also got her favorite teddy bear and gave it to him.
It was a rough day for this little guy.

Other things from the week...
Lunch time compliments of Chef Stanley.  Silly boy!

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