
Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Turkey Trot

Updates on Clifton -
Won the kids Turkey Dash.  That kids got his moms love for running!

Updates on McKay -
Had a great week at school.  Good attitude everyday and won the family good behavior money this week again!

Updates on Stanley -
He loves to say "You're not the boss of me!"  And boy do I hate it.

Updates on Hazen -
Seriously he is just the cutest and happiest baby.
We can't get enough of him!

Bright and early monday Stanley woke up throwing up, then McKay and Clifton joined in a took turns all night long.  Hazen luckily didn't get the flu but was still trying to get over his cold.  So ALL 4 kids sick at once.  That has never happened to us.  It was a LONG night.  There was no school that day so we already had the day off but we had to spend it at home sick.  Daddy still had to work though.
I was so scared to go out to the store with sickies not knowing if they would throw up again or not.  Jim came ro my rescue!  He was willing to grab some stuff once the kids had a desire to try food again.  Yep the Whites are pretty much amazing!
Amazingly it was a pretty chill day.  Naps, shows, and quiet playing.  At the end of the day almost everyone was feeling better.  Just McKay and Hazen are still not feeling great.

I had to cancel preschool because of sickness but thankfully we got to reschedule for later in the week.
I sure love teaching preschool and these kiddos.

Thursday was the last day of YW basketball and we ended with an All-Star game versus the leaders.
Another fun season.  I am super thankful for these girls and for them being patient with me.

Friday night we made dinner over the fire and movie night.
I love Friday nights!

Saturday was a big day for me.  I have been training to be ready for my neighborhood Turkey Trot and hoping to be back to where I was last year.
 Hazen all bundled up and ready for the race.
 The kids ran the Turkey Dash and Clifton got first place.
I have the best cheerleaders.
And I did it! I finished first and had great time.  
7.26 a mile finishing at 24:06.  Bodies are amazing!

Sunday was such a beautiful day, we took advantage of it and went for a nice hike.
Love these guys.

Busted out some cute Christmas jammies for Hazen!

Had a fun night doing crafts.
Saw this at the kids school and neither did it in their class so we decided to do it.  I think they turned out great!

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Portland Thanksgiving

Updates on Clifton -
The computer gave in this week and Clifton was lost with what to do with his screen time and not having a computer to play Prodigy on.

Updates on McKay -
We have agreed on a little attitude chart with McKays teacher to evaluate her days.  If she completes this week with no sad faces she will get to go to lunch with her teacher from last year,  Mr. Sulivan.  Mr. Sullivan graciously offered to be motivation and it sure helped.  She had a great week!

Updates on Stanley -
Can zip up his jacket all by himself!

Updates on Hazen -
3 months old!!!!
And too cute for words.  I wouldn't mind if time would just freeze now.

Hazen got a cold this week so we spent most of the time keeping him comfortable.
Tis' the season sadly.

We got out at times he was feeling better.  We have found a new favorite activity to do together.  It has been hard for me to find something that all the kids enjoy doing these days, but Pokemon has been their common ground.
Playing Pokemon Go and getting outside and moving.

Dinner for Dad at school!
A cute event.

Thursday was the final game of the semi finals.
We were all ready for the game and boy was it a game, but sadly we lost and are out of the finals.  And add salt to the wound we lost to Portland and we are going down Saturday.

Friday was the schools Veteran's assembly.  I am not going to lie Sunnyslopes made me cry every year so this didn't quite match up but it was still nice.

Then we came home after school and made Turkey cookies.
 Alex's creation.
They turned out pretty cute and we had lots of fun decorating.  We took them to our friends house to have dinner with them.  A good night.

Saturday we head down to Portland.
This picture doesn't do justice but it was a beautiful fall drive.
We dropped the kids off with my mom and snuck away to the temple.  It has been a while.  And we got to meet up with friends who were going that day too.

Then we had Portland Thanksgiving and celebrated November birthdays.
Hazen was acting really lethargic and not over his cold so we decided to head home instead of stay the night.

On our way out we took all the leftovers to hand out.  I was so happy Alex suggested we do that.
A good example to our kiddos.

Sunday was Veteran's day so I busted out all my Grandpa Hazen's memorabilia to look over and read his story.
 I feel so blessed that he trusted me with all his stuff and shared his story with me so we could write it down and have it.
The kids enjoyed looking at pictures and hearing his story but they loved looking though coins he had collected from all over.

Other update from the week...
I cut even more time off my 3 miles.  Getting closer!  One more week till my Turkey Trot.