
Friday, November 2, 2018

Updates on Clifton -
Has a fun imagination.  Usually involves sports but it sure is cute.

Updates on McKay -
Is having a hard time at school.  Melt downs, not enjoying it, and feels like she doesn't have a lot of friends.  It is so heart breaking, but we are doing our best to make the best of this year. And although she is having hard times she is the sweetest girl!
She just loves to be a helper!

Updates on Stanley -
Has picked up screaming when things don't go his way.  Just lets out a big scream when he is angry and it sure doesn't make me happy.

Updates on Hazen -
He was very tongue tied, however he hasn't struggled to eat, so they suggested we waited to see if it needs to happen.  They said to wait to see if it effects his speech.  Clifton was tongue tied too when born and they snipped it right away and it was an easy process.  So I was kind of confused on why we should wait.  And as I watched him make sounds his tongue couldn't even come out of his mouth at all so I asked his doctor if we could do it now before he gets too old to hold down and before it does effect his speech.  She agreed and referred me to a ENT.  Tuesday we went in ready to get it snipped. I waited an hour in the lobby with Stanley and Hazen!!!  So I was already in a bad mood when the doctor got to me.  He then looked at his tongue said yep he is severely tongue tied, let's set up another appointment near his first birthday.  I will put him under and then cut it.  I was so confused.  It didn't need to require putting him under and/or waiting.  He said he was nervous he would wiggle and he would cut something he wasn't supposed to.  I then said I would rather that happen then put him under.  Thank goodness he listened and we got it snipped.  Hazen seems pretty happy to have his tongue move around.

Monday Stanley and I had fun making a spooky treat for a fun night at friends house.

We have been fighting a lot lately at our house so we started a couple new things to see if they would help.  I made a get along jar, if they are fighting I will make them draw from the jar and they have to do what the slip says.  There is about 15 different slips.
 Hug for a minute.  Or as Clifton called it... TORTURE!
 Write I love my brother or sister 30 times.
Make an I love you card.  You're the beast, hahaha.

We also started a challenge each week.  They all start with 20 coins and every time they do something mean or yell we take a coin out and put it in the love at home jar.  Who ever has the most coins left in their bag gets to keep the love at home jar money.  So basically I am paying them to be nice to each other, haha.

Tuesday for cub scouts Clifton helped with the flag ceremony.

Having fun with Halloween accessories.
He is such a cute man!

Friday we made spider cookies.
Then we enjoyed a movie night watching Hotel Transylvania 3.

Saturday we went to our friend Brody's Dino birthday party.
They sure know how to party!

Then we went out and tried to take family photos.  It is not an easy task with a newborn (who got hungry in the middle of it) and three crazy kiddos.  Oh and the rain that started :(
But we managed to get a few.

Then that night we headed to our wards Halloween party and had a blast with friends.

Other fun from the week...
I am a beautiful butterfly.  She was laying on McKay's wings and I we thought it looked like she was wearing them.

Another Sunday another dapper man.

I have been working really hard on getting my time back down to were it was.
It is still not there but it is getting closer!

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