
Friday, October 26, 2018

Lil Saint Season Ends

Updates on Clifton -
Last week of soccer for Clifton.  He is sure going to miss it.  He had a great group of kids he played with.

Update on McKay -
McKay had a great week last week and showed such kindness to her brothers that I decided to take her out on a little one on one time and get ice cream.  She does have the kindest heart and I love when she shows it, I want to make sure she knows that.

Updates on Stanley -
Stanley got the tummy bug and had a loss of appetite most of the week.

Updates on Hazen -
Getting so big and sitting in his Bumbo.

This week it was my turn to teach preschool and I was so excited.  I really do love teaching and we have such a fun group of kiddos.
D for dinosaur!

Monday for FHE we played in the leaves,
made leaf people,
and talked about how to treat our bodies.  We talked about the word of wisdom and brought up a little about eating meat sparingly.  Clifton's first concern after talking about that was "is pizza meat?" HAHA.

Last week of Lil Saints Soccer.
What a fun and exhausting season.  I love coaching and sure enjoyed the boys on our team.  I am very very grateful to my wonderful husband rearranging his schedule to get home on time for me to go to soccer and for his support.  And for the many friends that helped when Alex couldn't get home.

Friday was our schools Halloween Carnival.  So we got our costumes out early and helped hand out candy at the Trunk or Treat.
Go Seahawks.
Treasure even joined in, but was a little too chubby.

Friday I got to have a little visit with Makayla.  I was so happy she had time to swing by and say hi before she went back home.
 It was nice catching up.

Saturday we had a craft day at church.
I love my sign!

That night we all put on any costume we wanted and went to a dance.
Alex was asked to DJ a dance at church.  The kids got to come with us and we all had fun dancing the night way with some friends.

Sunday we carved our pumpkins.
 This is the first time we let Clifton carve his and he did pretty good and there was no blood!  Win.
 My cute little pumpkin in a pumpkin.
Final product.

Other pictures from the week...
 He is just so darn cute!  All bundled up for while I go for a run.
My favorite time of the day.  Quiet time, snuggles, and reading.

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