
Wednesday, December 12, 2018

LM Holiday Party

Update on Clifton -
Loves Pokemon and could school many in his knowledge about it.

Updates on McKay -
Loves her girl time and so do I.  I love that she brings out the girlie girl in me.

Updates on Stanley. -
Obsessed with Pokemon.  He can name lots of them and tell me what they do and that is all he talks about.

Updates on Hazen -
4 months old!!!!
And we gave rice cereal a try!
He wasn't sure about it at first but then loved it.

Light the world has been going strong this week!
 Donated toys we don't use anymore to foster care program.
 Paying for the car behind us.
Donating canned goods to the food bank.
 Leaving $ around the store.
 Making Christmas cards for missionaries.
Making cookies to hand out in our neighborhood.
 Handing out cookies and cocoa in the freezing cold!
Making dinner for the fire department where the ambulance came to take Stanley to the hospital when he was a baby.  We cannot thank them enough for their hard work they do for our community.  

We ditched school early one day to go cheer on our Faith girl.  It was cold but the kiddos did great and Faith played awesome!

It was super cold this week but we enjoyed getting out when we could to enjoy the sunshine.
Even if it only lasts for 15 minutes ;)

Friday night I got to escape and spend some time with awesome ladies.
Always a fun time!

Saturday we got to sneak away for LM Holiday party.  Our first time leaving the kids with babysitters since Hazen.  We got two one for Hazen and the other to try and keep up with the other three.
 It was such a fun night.  Its one of my favorite nights, dancing and adult time!
Plus we won an Instant Pot!  Now to learn how to use it.  
The babysitters were amazing and all was well when we got home.

Sunday we got to work on more Christmas treats to hand out to friends.
They turned out pretty cute!

Other fun from the week...
 The Christmas spirit is strong here!
 I swear he gives me kisses, maybe trying to eat me but I will call it kisses!
 Sitting like a big boy in a shopping cart, no big deal!
 When you get next years calendar to only realize I put the wrong year on the front cover.  luckily its only the front cover!
He looks crazy cute but don't let him fool you he is a trouble maker :)

Stanley reminds me so much of Elf and this is what I walked into the other day which is very much like Elf.  He was trying to get his friend an ornament down.  Crazy boy!
Updates on Clifton -
Is starting to think he is too old to do the things we like to do as a family.  Like cookie decorating, crafts, etc... However he joins in and aways has fun.  I hope he realize he is never too old for fun with mom.

Updates on McKay -
Is doing great at school, having god days and has a good amount of friends.
And loves being the center of attention.

Updates on Stanley -
Sure loves his little brother and Hazen loves him just as much.  The way Hazen watches him makes me think I'm in for some trouble.

Updates on Hazen -
He sure is growing and fast.  Holding his head up like a pro, playing with toys, and grabbing.

Wednesday night we joined our friends and went to a fire department to learn more about the truck and their job.
A fun night!

We had beautiful weather this week so we tried to make the most of it.
Walking and Pokemon Going.

Saturday started our Christmas Light the World countdown.
 I had the kids help pick the activities that we do this year for FHE.
Donating some of their money to Salvation Army.  Always surprises me how willing they are to give.

Saturday was also my Jingle bell run
I had a goal to beat my previous record of 5k 24:06 and I did it!  I was happy with my time and I got first in my age group, which I think means I am old ;)

Then that night we went down town to for the Christmas festivities.
 Hay ride!
I love this little town!  A fun night out with the family.

Christmas cookie decorating to hand out with our Christmas cards.
Melting snowman.  Some people are worth melting for!

Other fun from the week...
 Stanley made a cute igloo out of marshmallows at preschool and sadly it didn't last long ;)
He does exist!
Stanley thought the kitchen aide was making music for him to dance too.  Silly boy, never change!