
Thursday, December 24, 2020

Updates on Clifton -
He won the school spelling bee again this year!  I am so proud of him and so happy the school still made this work with precautions and changes.  So sad I couldn't be there to cheer him on, but thankful his teacher had him call me as soon as it was over.  This year everyone got the word and everyone wrote it down, once you miss one you are out.  3 hours of writing words he was finally victorious.  He studied so hard and it showed.  Now to start studying 4,00 words for the district!
Such a cute trophy!

Updates on McKay - 

Got to celebrate Posada with her close friend and she loved it.  I'm thankful for friends and the opportunity to learn what other families do to celebrate.

Updates on Stanley -
The new medication is helping his hyper and helping him focus but he now cries about everything!  EVERYTHING!  And he hardly sleeps at night, up so dang early every morning.  I feel so bad for him and we are so dang exhausted.  Not sure what they next step will be.

Updates on Hazen -
He has become the little talker.  Using full sentences and picking up new words everyday.  Its so dang cute.  His new favorite thing to say his scoot that booty while shaking his booty (thanks to his siblings and a cartoon show they watch).

Light the world for this week...
Making Christmas treats and handing out Christmas cards to friends.
Feeding the local fire station and volunteers.
We couldn't carol at an assisted living center so we made goodie bags for them instead.   The kids made Christmas drawings and out a few treats in the bags.
Acting out the Christmas story.
Making nice videos for grandparents, Watch the Christmas Story video, and Sing our favorite Christmas songs together.

Monday I got to volunteer with a dear friend at the food bank.  It was a lot of fun especially cause we donated a lot of food and to see how many people came to get it and needed it was heart warming.  
So glad I had this opportunity.

Wednesday for Hazen and our play date we went to a Trampoline park.  We had a blast and I was pooped after.
Fun morning.

That night I got to do more service again with the youth.  We set up caroling outside Target.  It has been a rough year and not many people are out singing and spreading cheer, but we decided to do it face masks and all.
Lots of people were so happy to hear us singing.  It made my night as well.  This has been a stinky year but nothing is going to stop the Christmas spirit.  

Friday a new Crumbl cookie opened a mile away from us.  I might be in trouble.  We went and got our free cookie and had to try some new flavors while we were there too.


That night we also had a Book Bingo game with the Stanley family.
The kids loved it, such a fun idea.

Saturday McKay and Stanley started gymnastics, tumbling.

They loved it.

Saturday night we went out on a date with friends.  Dinner and then ice skating.  It was is much fun!

Sunday was Christmas Sunday and we got all dressed up.
And made some brownie Christmas trees.
A wonderful Christmas Sunday!

McKay wanted to sing a song together for our ward Christmas program.  I love how brave she is!

Only update I remember is about Stanley.  His medicine he has been on had been making him very very emotional and not much benefits.  So we are trying something different.

Light the world this week...

Kids using their money to donate towards a charity, not much but important for them o learn to give.
Donating toys we don't play with anymore.
Making cookies for neighbors, Hazen was supposed to be helping ;)
Christmas attack friends door, made dinner for Health care workers (one of my fiends and her coworkers), sending our favorite books to friends, and paying for the people behind us at a drive thru.  

We had some pretty awesome weather this week so we spent a lot of time outside.
Lots of park playing.
Water fight with neighbors!

We had MLS western conference finals game, got our house green and blue for the game and we somehow pulled out a win.
Love the Sounders!

Friday I got to join in with friends from Washington on a online White Elephant Party.
Fun and I got a Snuggie!

Saturday we went to the Gaylord and enjoyed a scavenger hunt.
And rode the carousel.
Lots of fun and it wasn't busy which was so nice!  Last year was way too many people, benefits of Corona I guess.

Then our sweet friends brought us over a couple gifts for Christmas.  It was so sweet of them.  I think Stanley was the happiest about it, especially cause Preston showed him how to skate.
Then we enjoyed a nice outside walk through Christmas party.  

Sunday we made Christmas houses out of pop tarts, never using Graham crackers again.  So cute!
Seriously love how they turned out!