
Monday, October 26, 2020

Updates on Clifton - 
Well we are getting to the age where he starts to stink!  Introduced him to deodorant for the first time, of course he doesn't think he needs it.

Updates on McKay -
Sassy and silly as ever!

Updates on Stanley -
We had a conference with his teacher to discuss how school is going for him.  We are so thankful for his teacher, she loves him and can see how hard he is trying even when he has some rough days.  She said that it seems like he cannot control his focus, he has to be up and moving.  We are all working on it but it doesn't seem to be bad behavior but honestly something he cannot do.

Updates on Hazen -
He is not sleeping.  Getting him to sleep takes hours and lots of tears.  Then he wakes up in the middle of the night and takes hour or more to get back to sleep.  We are exhausted and he is too!  We have found he will go to bed quicker if we don't give him a nap but man that makes for a long day for everyone.

Monday the kids didn't have school so we loaded up a car with friends and headed to the Arboretum again.
My kids were pills but thankfully the Harrington's still like us.  We had fun minus the few melt downs.  On our way home we stopped by a Cupcake ATM, yum!  
The pumpkin cupcake was SO good!

Wednesday I decided to take Hazen to the zoo.  It was half price and a nice day.  At first I felt bad going while the other kids were at school but then remembered they had times were we did things just them and I. It was so fun to adventure with just Hazen.

I love the zoo!
Thursdays are playgroup.  It was a windy day and wasn't sure if anyone would show up but we had a good turn out and had a blast.  I brought some kites so we could enjoy the wind.

Friday was a big day for Hazen.  He has been sleeping horribly and we have been trying anything to get him to sleep and to stay asleep.  We thought moving him to a big boy bed might help and if it doesn't we could at least sleep in bed with him.
Can't believe that is the last time we will be taking it down.  Kind of sad, my babies are growing up!

Saturday we went to a Pumpkin Farm, well kind of... Texas doesn't have Pumpkin farms but has fun activities and sells pumpkins that they have imported there.  We heard good things about this place and it didn't disappoint.  So many things to do!

Sunday the kids helped me make a treat for the youth fireside.  I just got called to serve as the YW president and back into lots of service.  I am thrilled and scared but ready to learn and grow.  
Fun Halloween mix.  Sunday bakeday.

Other fun from the week...
Sweater weather!  Finally chilly enough in the mornings to wear a sweater and I ain't mad!

Falls asleep everywhere except his bed and anytime except bedtime.  We are all tired trying to figure this boys sleep out!


Thursday, October 15, 2020

Updates on Clifton -
Has made a new friend and pretty much wants to hang out with him all the time, but all they want to do is play video games.  Trying not to be the meanest mom in the world and limit that time, I guess I need to get sue to being different from other moms.

Updates on McKay -
Has the hardest time going to bed at night and is super tired when we wake her up for school.  I don't know how to help her fall asleep, school is so dang early so she doesn't get to sleep in.

Updates on Stanley -
Is doing well at school, better than I had expected.  He still has his struggles but we have been blessed with a great teacher.  she is in contact with me often and working hard with Stanley.  So very thankful for her!

Updates on Hazen -
Is kind of turning into a monster.  He yells and hits and struggles to sleep. Him and Stanley together never goes well, it's a bomb waiting to explode.  I am tired!  Officially started doing time outs with him.  Stanley has introduced him to saying "Shut up" and says it all the time now.  But he is also so dang cute and can be very kind and helpful, he loves to set the table and help with dishes.

Monday we made Haunted Houses.
They turned out great, pretty spooky.  I love Halloween traditions!

Hazen and I had a couple of playdates and enjoying our time together.
The kids have been creative in keeping themselves busy this week.
McKay made some dinosaur costumes and the boys loved them!
Alex has Fridays off so we took the time to go for a walk and apparently it was too long for Alex :)

Hazen was happy when we reached the park. Silly boy got stuck on the toy and couldn't get it to stop spinning.
Keeping busy after school and on the weekend is easier with friends 
And water.  still warm enough to play in the sprinkler.  Silly kids!

I have been studying hard the last month to try and pass the Group Fitness Exam and I did it!!!!  I am horrible at taking tests so I am behind thrilled.  Now to find a job.

Sunday bakeday we made coconut joy spiders.  Good thing spiders and Halloween stuff is supposed to look creepy :)
Then we put on our creative hats and made some storybook pumpkins.  The kids school library is having a contest and I think we did pretty well.  Clifton is too cool to participate anymore.
Having fun dismembering the pool and skeleton to use for our storybook pumpkins.
Hazen is sleeping horrible so we are doing whatever we can to change that. We shortened his nap in hopes he'd sleep better at night, but it ends up with just more snuggles.  Which is nice!