
Wednesday, October 7, 2020

In Person Learning!

 I got behind again!  Not sure why I am having such a hard time keeping up...

The kids started in person learning this week!  With masks, 6 ft distancing, and lots of hand sanitizers.

The kids are so happy to be in person and I am so happy to have them back at school ;)
Although it was a weird school day they still are happy to be with kids and teachers.  The only things that they don't love is 3 to a lunch table (and the people they sit by is already selected), masks outside at recess and no balls at recess.  But after a full week of school those dislikes were over looked and figured out.  They can bring their own ball from home to play at recess, and at certain places outside at recess they can take go masks for a breather.  Also McKay said she had made friends with the people that sit by her at lunch, it made she get to know different people.

I couldn't walk Stanley in like a normal first day of kindergarten but his teacher did a great job keeping me updated on how it was going.
It was a good week for him.  He has a very good and patent teacher.  I think it's going to be a great year.

Just Hazen and I at home now (well Alex too but he's working).
We are doing a lot of runs/walks to the park to play.
And much needed cleaning.

After school the kids have a lot of energy that needs to get out so we made sure to get moving.
Walks with friends.
Swimming, too cold for me to get in but the kids didn't seem to mind.
Found our first firefly!
Movie night with friends.

Friday Stanley earned enough points at school to buy prizes from his classes treasure box.  He got a ring for me!  What a thoughtful boy.

Friday Alex headed to Arizona to meet our new nephew and niece. And to drive with his parents to Texas to visit.

Saturday we got to be models for a friend in the neighborhood who wanted to try out different backgrounds for her photoshoots.

We loved being models and think we got a few good photos from it.  Too bad Alex wasn't here.

That night I wanted to go catch some fireflies.  So we took a couple friends with us headed out right before the sun was going to set.  We played at the park till it was getting darker and then walked to the place we saw fireflies.
As we walked I noticed that we were being followed by a young man that was talking to himself and hiding in bushes to keep track of us.  Once we got on a part of the trail where it wasn't open and not as many people were around I felt strongly we needed to get back to our car asap.  But we had walked a good half mile and I had gotten quiet scared and mentioned to the kids why we needed to turn around and not do what we came to do so they were spooked too.  I felt prompted to wave at another man walking another direction on a different trail.  I wasn't sure if he would just ignore me or wave and keep walking thinking that was weird, but he stopped and crossed the tall grass together to me.  I told him what was going on and he walked us back to our car without hesitation.  And realize the guy was still following us. He talked to the kids and tried everything he could do to comfort us and make sure we felt protected.  He contacted a friend that was an officer and got him heading out to the park.  I called the cops and reported what happened in fear he might end another family.  I have no idea what his intentions are and if they were bad but it made us uncomfortable.  I am so very thankful for the prompting of the Spirit and for Heavenly Father answering quiet prayers.  Jack was an answer to our prayers and I am positive he was feeling a prompting too to come over without question and to help.

Sunday we had a testimony meeting.
McKay must have felt the spirit and protection as well, what a beautiful testimony.
Clifton's testimony was great as well.

We decorated for Grandpa and Grandma P's arrival.  And made yummy pumpkin shaped donuts.
We are so happy they are here!

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