
Saturday, December 24, 2022

More light the world fun this week... 

Pay for the person behind us at the drive thru.

Picking up trash at our local park.

Secret Santa gift for a friend.


Putting together Christmas goodies for class mates.

Putting together homeless packets.
Dropping off goodies to our local fire station and them giving us a tour of the new place.

Each kid making a treat.  The putting plates together for local friends.

Love lighting the world!

Hazen had his preschool Christmas party this week.  Such a fun teacher and great group of kids.

Love his little friends.
Hazen loves preschool and sad that we have to take a break from school for a little.

So proud of myself... saw a cute idea of coco bombs.  Made them for my YW.  They turned out great!  

I was shocked and pretty sure I was going to mess it up somehow.  Hopefully the girls loved them.

Friday I got to turn in all the stockings for the homeless shelter in FW.  So sad that the numb er of kids almost doubled from last year but touched by how many people helped out.

That night Alex and I went on a date.  I felt bad that we went to lights without the kids but the price was SOOOO much.  And I wasn't sure if it would be worth the money.

I am so glad we didn't take the kids.  It was a lot of fun but too crowded for my kids and not enough lights and things for the price that was paid.  Plus it was so nice to be just the two of us and not worry about fighting or head counting.

Reindeer Romp!  We all ran the 1 mile and right after there was a storm coming our way.  They got notice of lightning close by so sent everyone home.  So no 5k this year which is ok cause I had a dance class to teach.

We had fun running even if it was only a mile.  And this was the first year it wasn't freezing.

Saturday we had a special Christmas Mixxedfit and Xtreme Hip hop step class.  It was SOOOO fun!

Lance is super fun to teach with.  

Then we all cleaned up and headed to Alex's boss house for a Christmas dinner with his colleagues. 
Crazy busy and fun weekend.

 This weeks starts our Light the World count down.

Starting with a random act of service for someone in the house.

We had kids doing each others chores.

Leaving nice notes
Getting treats for others.  Excited to spend the next 25 days spread Christmas cheer by giving to others.

Wednesday YW activity was a big hit.  Such a fun activity and one of our girls taught us how to do this.  
Love how all the rings turned out.

More lighting the world this week.

Christmas attacking each others doors.

Filling stockings for homeless children.

Making Christmas cards and gift for a missionary friend.  Hazen wrote his name so well!

McKay had a Christmas art class to earn money to buy her family Christmas gifts.  It turned out great!  and she earned the right amount needed to buy gifts.

Such cute crafts!  And gingerbread houses made for the year.

Saturday night went out to dinner for a soccer friends birthday.  Had to go alone since Alex was in Washington for his nephew wedding.  Nice night out!

Alex's trip to Washington...

Congrats to the newly weds!  So sad we all couldn't go but flight prices are insane and for a family of 6 its just not going to work out.  But glad Alex could be with family.  And got to enjoy the snowy weather!

How could this picture not make me miss home!  This was our old road we lived on.  Such a beautiful place.