
Saturday, August 13, 2022

Monday art day...

Sunscreen painting.

Then we had to take advantage of free slurps at 7/11.

Tuesday we took advantage of cheap movie day and went to see Minions.  It was pretty cute.

The kids really liked it.

Then the kids begged to have a lemonade stand.  I told them it was too hot outside and no one was really out and about in this heat.  The insisted and McKay wanted to do face painting as well.

Their hearts were in it but the heat was too much and people just were not out or stopping.  They made a dollar.

Play group was at Copper Creek Neighborhood pool.  We had a fun time with friends.

Then headed to the lake with the YW for our activity that night.  The lake was warm and not refreshing, but we had a good time anyway.

Then we decided to have a family fun night out.  We went to Ripley's Believe It or Not.
We explored the Mirror Maze which was everyones favorite part.

Then we explored the museum.  Some of it freaked the younger kids out but for the most part it was fun and interesting.

Super fun night out playing together.

Saturday we went to hang at the church while Alex fixed the volleyball net.  Then we built new soccer/hockey goals.

After we did an activity out of the adventure book... Bowling but backwards.  Everyone has bumpers and you are trying to knock down the least amount of pins and doing silly or different ways of bowling.  Such a silly idea but very hard for the younger two to understand.

Not very often you see winning about knocking lots of pins down. 

Sunday Stanley lost his front tooth.
Sunday bakeday!

Thus tradition is starting to die a little bit.  I don't want to eat as much sugar and the kids are interested as much in helping.  So sad but I was happy they wanted to bake this Sunday.

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