
Friday, September 30, 2022

 Monday we went to the zoo with friends...

It was a fun morning and the zoo was pretty empty which is nice.

First football game and darn the looks so handsome all suited up.  Hears to trying somethignnew.  He is playing corner back on defense.

Hoping it's a great season.

I taught Hazen how to play Rock, Paper, Scissors.  He LOVES it.  That lead to a night of Rochambeau (yep we learned that new term too).  But we made different variations.  it was a spontaneous and fun night.

Date night!  We are trying to really make sure we fit this in.  Now that Alex teaches seminary we don't get to see a whole lot of him.  He leaves very early and then gets home from work around 6 nd heads to bed around 8:30.  So tonight we went to anEscape Room

It was my first and was pretty fun!

Saturdays Adventure Challenge.  We took a hike, found items to paint with and painted with nature.

It was hot out but we had a lot of fun.  And a stop at QT for cold drinks made it all go away.

Sunday we got an unexpected storm and it blew off one of our shutters.  Luckily it didn't hit our car!
Oh Texas weather you are so bipolar!

 I must have brought the rain home with me from Oregon!  This week its rained and rained and rained.  We beat lots of records in a couple days.  

We were not too sad about rain.  Plus it meant it cooled down a little, which was much needed.
But it did cause some issues.  Flooding in lots of places, but it was still very needed.  We had a very dry summer.
But I do love a good warm rain.  Hazan and I got out and enjoyed it...

we have been having lots of fun together while the others are at school.
Playing lots and lots of games.
He is LOVING preschool and loves having his friend, Bennett come play after preschool.

After a week of much needed rain we were back to hot days, so we pretended it was still summer and spent the weekend at the pool.  
This weeks adventure challenge. Velcro Tag!

Then Clifton and I got to spend the evening with the youth from our stake.  At the annual tailgate party.  A good weekend.

McKay's back at it with face painting...

And some good things from Stanley's teacher.  Such a great message to get!

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

 Last day of summer fun.  We tried out a new sports experience place.  The kids liked it.  We brought extra friends so it was hard for the younger to wait their turn.  So I learned not to bring more next time.  It was a fun place.

Then ice cream to end the last day of summer.

Hazen started school first on Tuesday and loved it!  He is doing a preschool in someone home.  It makes me sad that I won't be teaching he last year at home, but we couldn't find others to do co-op with.  But Hazen is thrilled about going to school and with friends.

Then the other kids started...
7th grade
2nd grade
5th grade.  Man they are growing up faster and faster these days.

Kids back in school means I have a little more time.  Hockey started back up.

Lunch with friends and Hazen, who decided to wear part of my 80's costume.  Silly kid!
Hazen missed them even though I am positive he enjoyed extra time alone with me.

School started Eans football has started too.  Here we go trying something new.

Thursday evening I head to Portland for my brothers wedding.  I wished we could have taken the whole family.  But flight cost are super expensive and school started already it just wasn't going to work.

It was really nice to hang out with family.  And my brother Justin was so kind to fit in things I missed about the PNW.  Hiking and out on the water.  
Then the wedding...

It was a great wedding.  Chip has found a great woman who loves him and his kids very much.  So glad they finally tied the knot.  It was an amazing trip home!