
Wednesday, September 18, 2024


 Man it's been crazy busy summer!  I could hardly keep up with everything.  Youth trips, Grandma S came to visit, Grandma Peterson passed away - which brought on an unexpected trip, Grandpa Peterson decided to come visit Texas after Grandma P's burial.  Then it was time for school to start.  Since I failed to keep up with blogging I will lump summer fun in one post.  I bought a POGO pass and we made lots of plans to do all the fun things.

Family fun!

Potstroke and shopping at Scheel's

Getting some hiking in before it gets crazy hot.

Rufus was a fan.
Keeping the kids cool.
Loving on Rufus
Enjoying any rain we get.

Playing with friends.

More golfing.
Rufus loves sprinklers!

Rufus also has been working hard to graduate puppy school.  He's a good boy!

Of course still busy teaching classes.  But loved this video of me leading a routine and my kids following along.

A tornado hit a small town about an hour away from us and we got to be apart of the clean up crew.  Man was it a powerful experience.  Meet a woman who lost everything.  She was out of town and came home to no sign of a home.  Her husband dead and her two sons in critical condition.  She was overwhelmed us all the help and just wanted to find anything still valuable in the mess of her home.  We hugged and prayed together.  

Rangers game with a friend!
Clifton went to FSY
Trampoline park

Played at Rufus foster moms house.  She had new puppies she was fostering so we went to meet thema nd to go swimming.

She's been such a blessing in our lives and so glad that she brought Rufus into our family.

Art fun - tye dye homemade shirts

Dallas Wings basketball game - they were playing against Seattle Storm. Seattle win!

Golfing with my man

Fathers day 

We sure are lucky we have him.

Bailey came to visit Texas friends!!!!

Captain Cuddles turns 4
Lasre tag
Clifton and I went back to help at the tornado clean up again.

4th of July fun

Alex was gone for the week to be with his mom and family as she passed.  He got home later but missed out on our messy fun.

Although it was a tough trip home he had a great time woth his siblings.
Inflatable park fun

Temple date with friends.
More play dates.

Rufus the donut dog after his big surgery to remove his manhood.  Sure didn't slow him down but thankfully her healed well.

Ice cream!
Lunch date with my friends!

Kids ward youth trip to New Mexico

They had a blast!!!

Kids Zania with my littles while the big kids were on their trip.

More family fun plus Grandma... homemade putt putt course.

Lake day.

Making popsicles

Celebrating Dad's birthday the best way we know how... playing games my dad enjoyed.


Science center

Video Game museum

More tempe trips!

Playing games with Rufus

Thanks to my mom Alex and I snuck away to a Sounders game in Austin.

Great game and we got to meet a lot of players and grab a few signature for Clifton

Cabella's with Rufus

Cupcake bake off

I won, with the upside down ice cream cone

Paint each other challenge

LOTS of fun!

SeaQuest with friends.

The kids, Grandma and I ran away for a nigh to Kalahari.  Americas largest indoor waterpark.  It was huge and SO much to do.  We had a lot of fun!

But boy was I tired... just to hurry home and pack for our trip to Utah for Alex's moms burial/service.

Got to run into Bailey for a quick hug and little catch up

McKay wanted to leave the hotel workers a nice note.  She's such a sweet girl.

Ran int Texas friends while in Utah.
Got to hike!!!!

Spent a day doing everything that Grandma loved and what wonderful memories!

Never lived close enough to run to the temple so I decided to take advantage of it while we were here.

A beautiful service for Grandma Peterson.

Then dinner at her favorite place.

It was a hard visit and sad but it also was such a wonderful trip.

Home just in time for Olympics to start.  We kicked it off right with some Peterson Olympic games.

Always fun.

Then dates with each kiddo.  

Clifton and Alex went out but wouldn't take a picture for me.

Celebrating a dear friends birthday.

Grandpa Peterson came to visit!

We loved having Grandpa Peterson here with us.  He got to be here for Hazen and Alex's birthday fun.

Hazen asked for a Glow in the Dark dance party and boy do these kids know how to party!

Alex wanted a simple birthday.  We tried to spoil him as much as we could.  Not everyday you turn 40!

Went to top golf, out to dinner and then of course dessert.

Rufus and Treasure have a very much love hate relationship -  more treasure hates and Rufus loves ;)

Kylde Warren park and Reunion Tower visit

High school orientation -  not sure how we got here! 

Walking the giant school, feeling blessed Clifton wanted me to come with him.
Back to school night for the littles - they are the only ones excited for school to start again.

One last summer fun with the girls.  Celebrating a friends birthday!

Also celebrating a beautiful friends soon to be baby girl.

Got a chance to go to the temple with a friend for her first time.  Felt so privileged to be apart of such a wonderful day.

Back to school fashion show. Clifton participated but insisted no photos of him.  Silly boy!

Then just like that summer is over!  The fastest summer in history!

Back to the grind.  Plus Clifton started seminary and Alex is one of his teachers.

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