
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

McKay is rolling!

Updates on Clifton -
He is putting more and more words together to make sentences.  They get mixed around but it is fun to watch him learn how communicating works.  We really enjoy watching him play with his toys.  He gives the toys dialog and they talk to each other.  Very very cute!
He has also learned how to put his train tracks together.  Which makes me so happy.  He is getting so big!  It is a great activity he can play quietly and by himself!  It is fun to see the tracks he creates.

Updates on McKay -
Holy Hannah this week she has discovered so many new things!

She found her toes!

She rolls over both ways.  That is all she does day and night!!!!

She is also scooting her knees up under her.  She is going to be moving in no time.

She is also using her voice and discovering all the noises she can make. 
I am a little afraid of the future:)

This week for FHE activity we played Just Dance 3 on the wii.  Clifton loves to dance along and ask for me to dance everyday with him.

The boys and I made cup rockets for fun this week.

 They helped decorate them.

I tried to teach them how to make it work but they really did not get a hold of it.  SO I ended up doing it for them.  However they really really enjoyed watching it shoot off.

Clifton's excitements makes everything worth it!  Love that kiddo:)

Later that week the sunshine decided to come out.  So we spent most of the sunny days outside.  The boys found a frog in our garage.  So the boys and I spent about 30 minutes trying to get the frog to hop out of the garage.
It was a fun event for the boys!

Evan has little motor cars that they can sit on and ride.  Evan let Clifton borrow one for a little.
 Very fun!

We went on lots of walks!
 McKay all ready for a walk!

We also took Clifton to see Disney's Chimpanzee movie.  He loves watching the commercial and ask to watch the commercial about fifty times a day.  So we thought we would test out the movie theaters with him for the first time.  We knew it was a family movie and that not too many people would be there.  If he got too crazy we would just leave.
We actually stayed for the whole thing.  It was not as exciting as we thought it was going to be but it was good.  The only hard thing was the aisle.  An open path to Clifton equals a run way.  But we managed to get him to stay away until the movie was over.

Well this week I lost just under 2 pounds.  Not great but negative and that is always good.  But the thing that I am most excited about this week is that I ran a 5k in 30 minutes!!!!!!  That was my goal:)  It felt good to set a goal and then reach it.  Now that means I need to set an even faster goal!  We will see.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Yea for Healthy Children

Updates on Clifton -
HE WENT TO NURSERY!!!!!!!!!  Thanks to wonderful leaders who have been trying so hard and not giving up.  He cried for a little while and then sat on the leader's lap for a while but eventually got up and played with the other kids!  Church is 100 times easier for us when Clifton goes to nursery.
He had his two year check up and he is as healthy as a horse.  He has finally moved up to double digits in weight percentile (13th percentile).  Everything else is perfect.  He is continuing to grow strong and healthy.

I just love my little man!

Updates on McKay -
She also had a check up, her four month.  She weighs 12 pounds (50th percentile) and is in the 81st percentile for height.  She is doing great.  We have been struggling with her acid reflux and the doctor gave us a new medicine to try.  So I am hoping this works.  The doctor said to start the rice cereal as well.

 She is not too sure about it!
I forget how messy they get when they eat:)

I found something that makes McKay giggle!

For FHE it was a beautiful day so we decided to get my flower bed in shape to plant some flowers.  At first I thought it was kind of a lame activity but as we were doing it Clifton wanted to help.  We talked to him about the importance of hard work and taking care of things.  So in the end I thought it was a great lesson/activity.

He really was being helpful.  He would rake out the grass/weed roots.  He is getting so big and starting to understand so much.

It was a beautiful week.  I really enjoyed being able to get out with the kids.


The sunshine makes life so much easier.  The boys love getting out and playing.  I love the warmth and I am more active as well.  I hope it stays around for a while.

Alex went mountain biking with the Elder's Quorum this weekend.  I am glad he got out and did it.  He often forgets to make time for himself.  So he needs something he enjoys to do without me or the kids.

He came back very dirty!  The dirtiest of the bunch.  I guess he took a couple of spills:)  He looks quite good after working hard!

I lost 5 pounds in the last 2 weeks!!!!!!  It has given me the motivation I need to keep working hard and watching my diet.  15 pounds more to get to my pre pregnancy weight or maybe 20 pounds if I am feeling up to it.  I have found something I enjoy.  In the morning after I get up I do 30 minutes of some sort of aerobics.  Then later Alex watches the kids and lets me get out every night to run/jog.  I am gradually getting better.  Saturday I ran 3 miles in about 32 minutes.  Nothing great but I am getting there. The best part is I have a running partner, Stephanie.  She is a great friend and it makes running even more fun.  Plus she helps push me along.
I have registered for a few 5K's this summer.  My goal for the first one is to run it in under 30 minutes.  Then try to better my time each 5K.  5k's are not hard but a good start for me.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Easter 2012

Updates on Clifton -
Each day we realize more and more that Clifton is growing up and becoming a big boy.  He is traveling well, sleeping better, and eating well.  We are finally getting past a lot of the things he struggled with.  He understands a lot of the things we say and ask.
He says no to EVERYTHING.  Usually he does not listen and just responds no.  We have tested it a lot:)  It makes us laugh at some of the things we ask and he responds no.

Cute pictures of Clifton at bath time.

Updates on McKay -
She is having a rough time at night lately.  I think it is because of the acid reflux.  How much medicine I give her depends on how much she weighs and her weight is changing so fast.  So I think I need to increase it but I have to go into the doctor's to do that.  We have a doctor's appointment Friday.  Hopefully that helps, because she is starting to fight food a little and spitting up a ton.  Besides that she is our happy and beautiful girl!

 She is such a cutie!

Alex and I need to be better at making time for us.  So we made arrangement with some friends to swap babysitting for date nights.  So I made a date night jar with date ideas in it.

I am excited to start going on dates with Alex again:)

I went and got a Bumbo for McKay.  She likes it, but not as much as Clifton did.

Clifton really really wanted to sit in it too.  

 McKay is sleeping in her crib at nap time now.  I went to the bathroom and came back to see Clifton had climbed into the crib with her.  I had no idea he could climb in there.  Next time I will shut the door.

Clifton thinks it is so funny when McKay chews on his finger.  Silly kiddos!

We had a few beautiful days this week.  So we took every opportunity to go outside!

We got McKay's sun hats out because it was so sunny!  We went on lots of walks this week:)

Daddy and McKay's nap time:)

Our ward had an Easter Egg Hunt. 

 McKay got dressed up as the Easter Bunny for it!

We went down to Alex's parent's house to visit and get together as a family for Easter.  I love getting together with his family.  Especially because Clifton loves his Cousins, Aunts, Uncles, And Grandparents.  
We stayed the night Saturday and it was nice to have Alex's parent's all to ourselves for a day.  

Sunday was Easter and it was a beautiful day. Almost all of Alex's family got together to celebrate. At times family get togethers can be stressful but I love them dearly.  

 Aren't they cute in their Easter outfits?

 Love our little family!
We love our kiddos!
 The Peterson grand kids (minus 2).  What a cute bunch!

 Clifton loves his Cousins so much.

Easter egg hunt!
Clifton insisted he open every egg and get the candy out before moving on to the next egg.  It took us a long time to find his portion of the eggs (40)!  He is one silly boy!

That night we also celebrated the family March and April birthdays.
He could not quite figure out how to blow out the candles:D

Another wonderful week!