
Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Hello Portland!

Updates on Clifton -
He is talking and talking all day long.  Half the time I am not quite sure about what but he likes to tell stories about things he has done.  It makes it fun to go out and do things with him and then hear him talk about it later!
Clifton randomly came up to me this past week and told me he loved me.  Melted my heart!!!!!!  One of the best being a mom moments so far.

Updates on McKay -
She has not giggled much since her first couple times.  I try and try but nothing.  I guess I am not funny enough:(  It is my goal to find what makes her laugh!  She is getting so big.  I already have to put clothes away that she does not fit into and get knew ones out.  Too fast!

 I have to say that I have some pretty dang cute kids!  I love them to pieces!

This week Alex had to go to California for work.  So I decided that while he was away I would escape to Portland.  I was extremely nervous to go on my own with two kiddos.  Also to sleep in one room with two kids.  Clifton is such a light sleeper I worried McKay would wake him up and he would fight going back to bed.  But it went very very well.  We made the three hour drive fine and the nights went well.

Monday we went to the zoo!

 The bears were so close!  That was probably my favorite part.
 Clifton with his cousins Emma and Jack.  Of course we had to stop and play a while with the tractor!

 Clifton loves his cousins!

 Riding the horses!

 Clifton loves Elephants lately.  This is us making elephant sounds with our trunks. 
On the way out the kids were tired of walking so I pushed them all back up and out of the zoo. They loved it.

That day was the only sunny day we had so that afternoon we played outside on my brothers trampoline.

 Grandma joined in on the fun!
 Love my kiddos!
Tuesday we went to OMSI (the Oregon science museum)  I loved OMSI growing up so I was excited to take Clifton.  He is still too young for a lot of it, but they have a toddler area and he liked most of it.

My favorite part was Lego Land!  The had so many cool statues that people made out of Lego's.  The crayons were my favorite!
This was McKay the whole time we were at OMSI.  She is a good girl!

We also went to the Duck ponds and feed ducks!  This was Clifton's first time feeding the ducks.  I cannot seem to find ducks in Port Orchard.

 He loved going for a ride with Grandpa around the ponds!

I got to meet up with some old friends!  It was great to see them and their cute families.  I loved hearing what they have done with their lives.  I cannot believe it has been 8 years!

 Baby Dillon and Baby McKay!
 Clifton, Dillon, and McKay.  Clifton loved Dillon.  He loves babies:)
Stephanie, Megan, and I.  Plus our cute kiddos!

We also went bowling.  Clifton loved the ramp so much more then rolling/throwing the ball!

Here are some random fun pictures from the trip.

 Clifton climbed in to the dog kennel!

 Clifton loved my brothers dog Lucky! 

 McKay sleeping with her hands up!

We had a ton of fun in Portland.  I was so happy to be able to go down and for the kids to do well so it could be an enjoyable time.  I was so scared to do it on my own but it is good to know that I can.  

The next day when we got home our home development had an Easter Egg hunt.   

He only got a few eggs but he had fun specially eating the treats that were in the eggs.

This weekend was General Conference.  I loved hearing the Prophet and Apostles speak.  The messages they spoke where what I needed to hear.  It gave me a long list of things I need to improve and work on. It also gave me motivation to be better. 
However it was real hard with Clifton running around.  So I found an activity that kept him busy and quiet.  

 He strung fruit loops onto yarn and made an edible necklace.  He made one for McKay too.  I love this picture it looks like she is trying to lick the necklace!

Anyone who knows me knows that I rarely make breakfast.  I am a simple cereal kind of gal.  So to make conference weekend special I made breakfast.  Alex got crafty and made little waffle sandwiches.  He took biscuits and cut the dough in half laid eggs, cheese and bacon in the middle and grilled it.   I made cinnamon roll waffles!  It was a good conference!  

April fools day was on Sunday.  So I decided to throw a little prank on Alex.

I covered the bar of soap with clear finger nail polish.  It was funny.  He was confused with the soap:)

A great week!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you had a lot of fun! You do get the hang of two kids, makes it easier with how young McKay is still. I've heard good things about the OMSI, maybe one day we'll go there.
