
Friday, March 23, 2012

Keeping the Boys Busy!

 Updates on Clifton -
He has strung 4 words together.  He usually only does three but he is starting to make short little sentences.  It is really fun to watch him grow.  It only took 2 years to get here, but he is putting himself to sleep these days.  I read a story and then sing a few songs and then leave.  It takes him longer but I do not have to stay in there with him all night.  So I am very proud of his progress:)
A new thing he has started (and it probably will never stop now) is saying "no mommy"  when I tell him to do something.  I am trying to teach him it is not okay but I am pretty sure this will be a battle for years to come.

Updates on McKay -
She is three months old!!! I can hardle believe it. She growing too fast. She giggled!!!!!  Oh it is so cute.  She has only done it a few times.  I now spend most of my day trying to get her to laugh.
She is the wiggliest little one I have every met.  She wiggles and wiggles all day long.

I had some more fun with the boys this week.

We painted bread with milk and food coloring and then toasted it and ate it for lunch.  It was fun.
Clifton struggled with painting it at first.  He just wanted to eat it!
This is their final product.  I am sure you can guess which one Clifton's is:) (The one with bits out of it already)

I had leftover dirt from the party so I got it out and let them play in it.  It was a rainy the whole first of the week so we did it in the garage.  They were doing very well at trying to keep it in the bins...

 ...until I had to go and get McKay a bottle.  Seriously, one minute later and it was all over he garage; and the boys. I walked in right when Evan was dumping a bucket full of dirt on Clifton.

I normally hate crying pictures but this makes me laugh.  Because as I was walking towards the garage I heard giggling but as soon as I stepped in and said "Boys! What are you doing?"  The water works started.  Nice try buddy, you knew you were doing something wrong!

So to the bath they went!  They were okay with that!

Later that week the rain had let up so I let them go outside and do it.  I still however had to stop Evan from dumping dirt on Clifton.  Apparently he finds it hard to resist:)

Also to keep the boys happy and get some energy out I put up the basketball hoop Grandma and Grandpa P got Clifton for his birthday.  The boys really like it!

On Friday, we took Clifton bowling for the first time.

 He really enjoyed it.  He was getting tired towards the end but we all had a real good time.

These were my cheerleaders!

The bowling alley also has an arcade so we went and played around there for a little while.  A cheap and fun time!  My favorite two things:)

We finally got some dry and warmer weather.  So we went outside to play!  I loved feeling the sun and cannot wait for it to warm up even more and to have more days with sunshine!

 He is getting so close to being able to climb up by himself!

Clifton loves to help.
 Sweeping the patio.
And helping with the dishes.  Really he was having fun!

Well we got our car back Tuesday but it was not working 100% the way it should.  And I just paid them a ton of money to fix it so I expect it to be perfect.  So we sent it back with the agreement that they would fix it asap and at no cost to us.  Well 2 more days later they say something else is broken and it will cost us more to fix it!  We are both fed up with this process that we made them put it back together and just give it to us.  Mainly because we both are leaving town in two different directions so we kind of need two cars.  We are hoping when we get back that the part will be in and they will fix it for free.  I hate car problems and having to depend on someone else to fix it for me.  I am just ready for this to be over and I am done spending money on it!

Alex left for California for a week (another business trip) and I decided to head down to Portland and visit family while he was gone.   It will be my first over night outing with two kiddos.  I might be a little crazy trying to do it without Alex but we shall see.  I am excited for this next week!

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