
Tuesday, March 13, 2012

We Survived!

Updates on Clifton -
No nursery this week:(  I guess Evan is the key.  So Evan and Denyal have no choice they will have to come every Sunday!  He is starting to say thank you and please without prompts (he needs them still but every now and then he will do it by himself).  We are also teaching him how and when to use welcome.

Updates on McKay -
She smiles all day long!  All I have to do is talk to her and she smiles her cute dimpled smile.  I love it!  She is getting close to figuring out how to roll over. She is also getting close to laughing.

Well this week was not a productive week.  We all got sick except Alex who was enjoying the sun in Florida.  It was a long long week but we got through it. Most of the week we laid around trying to get better.  I struggle with being a good mom when I am sick. I love doing things with my kids but when I am sick and they are sick TV and movies become a staple.  I need to work on being better at that:(

But when we started feeling better I got back to doing fun things with the kiddos.

We went to the play area at the mall.  The boys loved it!

We then went to Jump with some friends.  Clifton absolutely loved every minute of it.  It scares me a little but it is a real fun place.

He had this big smile on his face the whole time.  And when we got back he napped very well which put a big smile on my face:)

Other little activities we did to stay busy was scoop and play with beans.

He really likes scooping and digging so this activity will keep him busy for seriously an hour.

We also got the nails and hammer out again.  He changed it a little.  After he hammered them in he enjoyed pulling them out and then putting them back in the holes with his hands.  This kept him busy for a while!

Saturday Alex came home!  Yippee Skippy!  We were all so excited to see him and he was excited to be home.

Clifton had lots of hugs and kisses saved up for his Daddy!  We love having him back.  It just helps remind us what a wonderful father and husband he is.

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