
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Week One Without Alex

Updates on Clifton -
Picking up more and more words everyday. I have no idea how big his vocabulary is anymore.  He repeats a ton.  His new favorite thing to say is "Righteous!".  Like the turtle from Finding Nemo.  Which he is crazy about right now.

Updates on McKay -
She loves to smile and she melts my heart every time she does!
She is starting to not sleep as deep as she did as a new born.  So her loud brother often wakes her up:(  But she is doing well.  After she got her first shots last week she has realized she has a voice and is more vocal these days.

Clifton loves his sister so much!

For FHE  I invited Evan and his family to come over and join us.  I made fudge and put it in cookie cutters.  Then we decorated them with candy.

It was fun.  It would have been better if I did not mess up the fudge:(  So I threw all of it away, but it was a good time!

I kept the boys really busy with new activities this week.  Things go much smoother when I have planned activities that they enjoy.  We scooped pom poms with cooking utensils, played with balloons, and threaded pipe cleaners into a strainer.  They had a lot of fun this week and so did I.

The boys were imitating McKay and I.  I was holding her on my lap facing forward.  This really made me laugh.  They are both really silly boys!

Yep we got snow!  It was fun for the boys to get out in the snow.  The snow was really slushy and they loved it because they would stomp their feet and it would splash up around them.  However it did not last long because their feet got wet and real cold.  But it was a good time.

At the end of the week I took Clifton to Petco and we walked around looking at the animals.  It is like a free zoo to Clifton:)  He really liked the mice and the fish.  So I got him a couple goldfish.  We named them Shark Bait and Darla.  He enjoys feeding them and watching them swim.  They probably wont be with us for long but we will enjoy them while they last.

Clifton and McKay have been making up for Alex being gone.  They give me lots of cuddles.  It is like they know I needed it:)

So one week with Alex gone and we have survived!  One more week to go and I hope it goes fast.  The kids are doing well.  Being able to face time helps!  However I really miss his company so I hope this week flies bye.  I cannot wait to have a warm bed (it is real cold when he is gone) and someone to keep me giggling around again!

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