
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

A Tragic Week for Kitsap County

Updates on Clifton -
He went to NURSERY!!!!!!  Thanks to Evan for coming to church and helping him feel comfortable and the wonderful leaders for working so hard and dealing with his crying/whining he stayed the whole time.  And it could have not been a better week for him to do so - without Alex at church with us:) His molar is all the way through and he is a little happier these days!

Updates on McKay -
She is 2 months old!  We had her doctors appointment Friday.  She is a happy and healthy baby girl.  She weighs 10.9 pounds and a little over 22 inches tall.  She is sleeping better and better.  I have had a couple of 7 hour nights without having to get up once.

My kids like their tongues!

For FHE this week we made cookies for a friend.  We wanted to thank them for being so wonderful!

 Evan was over so we got the boys in aprons and they helped with making the cookies!
This is the huge Thank you cookie we made:)

I had fun trying to take pictures for the boys birthday invites this week.

 Evan was real good at posing and sitting still!

 Clifton on the other hand did things like this:)  What a silly boy!

But then we went out and got to sit in the wheel of a tractor.  They both enjoyed doing that!

The boys really enjoyed the activity I planned for the week.  I put nails in a card board box and they hammered them in.

 Evan wore the goggles and it made me laugh.  They are silly boys.  They ask to do this almost everyday now.  It is great for their eye-hand coordination and keeps them happy and not screaming!

We did a lot of sticker art this week. 

Evan enjoyed putting it on his face!

Then Clifton enjoyed putting stickers on me!

I made two things this week.

First a sign for our door bell.  I have been using a piece of paper over the door bell that looked so tacky.  So I am glad I finally did it.  It looks so much better!

Second a present for my sister in law for her birthday.  It is the letter L for their last name and pictures of her cute family.  It was fun to put together:)

Wednesday began a series of horrible events in our county.  A 9 year old boy brought a gun to a Bremerton school and shot an 8 year old.  The girl survived and is still recovering/having surgery.  The school reports that the boy brought a gun to school because he was planning on running away from his family so he decided he needed protection.  He had the gun in his backpack and when he put his gun on his desk it went off shooting the girl in the arm that went all the way through to her stomach.  Luckily it missed all of her vital organs.

Thursday a cop got shot and killed at a traffic stop.  It happened about a mile away from our house.  They found his car about a mile away from our house as well.  So the city was pretty much on lock down.  A lot of companies and schools locked their doors.  Everyone was worried he was on foot.  Which meant he was on foot near our neighborhood.  I was terrified!  A few hours later they caught him and he had shot and killed himself.

Friday about the same place where the police officer got shot a car accident happened.  A car clipped another car and then swerved into the bay.  He was pulled out and later died.

And to top it all off there is still a serial killer in Bremerton.  I know things like this happen all over the world, but it is scary for it to happen so close to home and all at once.  Our town was shaken and people were left feeling unsafe.  It was a tragic week.

Sunday Alex left for Georgia/Florida for 2 weeks.  It is hard to say goodbye and not have him.  I really enjoy having Alex around.  He is my best friend and I love every minute with him.  I am a better person when he is around.  He is a wonderful husband and father.  I feel very lonely without him.  Clifton is now old enough to realize Alex is gone and it makes it hard when he ask for him all the time.  We have gone a week away from each other but never more then that.  So though this is not much compared to others it is a lot for me.  I have made plans with friends for play dates throughout the next two weeks to keep us busy and hope that the next two weeks go by fast!

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