
Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Updates on Clifton -
He has a two year molar coming in.  Which explains a lot! 
He is starting to put three words together and making short sentences.
Clifton started us off with the stomach flu this week:(  It has made its way to all of us.

Updates on McKay -
She is extremely strong, already able to hold her own head up.  
She is getting over her first sickness.  She got the stomach flu last and to top that off she is also fighting the cold that is now starting to go around to each family member.  But she is doing well not fussing too much, she is a trooper!  It breaks my heart to see my little ones sick.  Hopefully we can all get healthy soon.

The hard thing for me with the change from one to two kids is learning what I can and cannot handle.  I try very hard to do well at everything, but I have stretched myself too thin and need to realize that I cannot do it all, all the time.  I guess I need to prioritize (but how do I cut something out when it all seems important).  I need to learn how to not feel overwhelmed and to get something done and feel good about it.  So I am sure this will be a work in progress and when I finally get the hang of it I am sure things will change.

For FHE we went out heart attacking some friends.  I was not going to write about this because we knocked and ran, but they all figured out it was us.  I guess we are no good at being quiet.  I will blame that one on Clifton:)

Tuesday - Valentines day!  Well I spent that day cuddled up next to the toilet:(  We did not have anything planned but it sure put a damper on the day.  

I did get the boys some cute little mailboxes full of valentines. I knew they really had no one to hand them out to but they enjoyed looking at them and taking them out and putting them back in their boxes.


This week the boys were able to get outside and play.  Of course the first thing they went to was my empty flower pots (Alex needs to fill) that were full of rain water.

Clifton being a silly boy like usual!

We also did some art this week.  I put paint in a zip lock bag and let them smash away.  A fun and clean activity! 

Thursday I was finally feeling better!  And that was the day we set aside to celebrate Valentines day.  So we had a little date that night.  Our friend watched both Clifton and McKay.  (First time together with no kids!) 

So I set up the car for a little drive in movie night.  I know what you are thinking... we just bought a 50 inch TV why would we go watch a movie in a car on a 8 inch screen.  Well the answer is... to get out of the house!  It was a lot of fun.  We went to a park and watched the movie.  Best of all it made Alex have to cuddle with me because it was cold out:)  You cannot watch romantic movies with Alex so we went for the next best thing a romantic comedy - Wedding Singer.  You can't go wrong with old school Adam Sandler!

This is the Valentine I made for Alex! 

The rest of the week Alex got sick, then McKay and then Clifton again:(  And we are still trying to get over it completely.

We all cuddled together and stayed in bed!


  1. Kenna you definitely inspire me to try more crafty things. Seriously, I'm too afraid to try anything new! Do you just squirt finger paint into the bag and there's paper in there?

    I'm really sorry that you guys have been so sick!

  2. Oh thanks. I feel I should be way better because I majored in early childhood.

    So I tried it with paper first thinking I could have an end product but it did not spread real well so the second time it was just paint in a zip lock bag and taped to the table. That way they could mix the colors together.
