
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

A Crafty Week

Updates on Clifton-
He continues to make us giggle.  He is a funny little man full of energy and personality.  We love him very much!
This week he picked out his Tigger Halloween outfit to wear.  I have started having him pick his shirt and pants (giving him options).  But instead he saw his costume and insisted her wear it.  So I let him!

He also has this new thing wear he wants two sippies.  One with milk and one with water.  I guess he cant decide if he wants milk or water so he needs both:)  He often tries to drink them at the same time too!

Updates on McKay -
She is such a joy!  She smiles every once in a while.  I work hard to make her laugh.  I am sure I look like a fool but it is worth it to see her precious smile.  I think she is pretty darn cute.  I have to say that Alex and I make very cute kids.  But I might be a little bias:)
I love being a mom.  It is the toughest job in the world but it has so many wonderful moments.  Like cuddling with my little ones.  It is so cute to watch Clifton cuddle up with me and McKay.  He loves her so much and it just melts my heart!

For FHE we made Valentines countdown necklaces.

14 kisses for the 14 days of Valentines day.  Each day we get to eat a kiss till it is V Day.

This week I made a headband/clip holder for McKay and all her lovely bows.  I do not consider myself very crafty but love how it turned out.  Believe it or not I have more bows coming my way so I think I might need to make another one!  But that is okay because I LOVE bows!

This week a friend had a girls craft night out.  She was making Valentine wreaths.  So I found an idea that looked easy enough for me to do.  I like how it turned out.  The only thing I would change was to make the hearts smaller so you could really tell what they were.  They kind of just look like dots.

On Friday we let our cat out like every normal morning but he did not return at all that day.  We began to worry.  By the next morning we did not see him so we decided to put signs up.  My neighbor informed me that she saw him that morning on her way to work and something scared him and he ran into the forest.  I had high hopes he would return but I am afraid he got attacked by a creature in the forest.  He is a very loved cat and will be greatly missed. We are very sad and even more sad when Clifton is asking where his cat is:(

The rest of the week was full of beautiful sunny days.  So we got outside and enjoyed the weather!

Friday our ward had a ward adult Valentines party.  It was a lot of fun.

The YM presidency put on a skit.  Alex was playing Alex Trebek in the skit so he shaved his beard into a mustache for the night.

They had a cute photo booth set up were you could take funny pictures.  We had a lot of fun!

Sunday was a wonderful day as well.  Our good friends were blessing there baby and asked Alex to be in the circle.  So we were able to go to Redmond and be apart of that with them.  Then after we got to visit some family and watch the Super bowl.

1 comment:

  1. Your wreath turned out great! I like it. I also like Alex's 'stache. Brad shaved his into a handlebar type mustache a few years ago for Halloween when he was a Nascar driver. Between that and his mullet wig, no one recognized him.

    And yes, you guys do make darn cute babies!
