
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

50 inch TV

Updates on Clifton -
He is repeating everything we say these days.  So we have learned quickly that we have to watch what we say and maybe change our vocabulary around a little.  Also we usually call each other Mommy or Daddy but sometimes we say each others names.  The other day Alex said Kenna and Clifton called me Kenna.  So from here on out it is Mommy and Daddy around the little ones!
Nursery was a no go this Sunday.  We just got to keep trying in hope that Clifton will soon go without us.  I am afraid he will never get the hang of it but we must keep trying.

 Updates on McKay -
She smiled her first little smile this week.  And yes we are sure it was not gas!  She was imitating Alex's expressions.  She has done it a few times since.  I love this milestone!!!!  Hands down it is my favorite.  She is starting to get a hang of being in this world.  She is not eating every hour anymore but more like every three hours and we have had a few nights of 6 or 7 hours of constant sleep.  Oh and her rash has gone away totally and I tried wipes again and she seems to be fine!  She is a real joy and we love having her.

Her and Clifton love tummy time!

So we got our tax return and another extra little check this month. We decided to save and pay off medical bills with most of it but allow ourselves a portion of the money to get something fun.  So after much thought and many different ideas we decided upon getting a bigger TV for downstairs and then replace our old projection TV in our bedroom with our flat screen we have downstairs now.  I am sad to say we are a TV family, but we watch shows, sports, and movies together all the time and felt like it was a good investment.

So Monday for family night we went out to look at TV's.  We found a great deal on a 50 inch TV.  It is being discontinued and the last one was on the wall so we got that one:) I did not think we were going to be able to get one that big with the amount we allowed ourselves but we did.  It looks great on the wall!  Now that that wall is the main thing in our living room I would someday like to paint it an accent color.  But that is in the future:)
Clifton and I had a blast with the bubble wrap they wrapped the TV in!

I got Clifton a Cars matching game.  So we have been working on that all week.

Clifton got to spend a day with his good friend that just lives a couple houses down.  We went on a walk to the little park in our neighborhood.  He really enjoyed getting out.  The weather was cold but good enough to get outside.
Of course Clifton found a puddle and had to jump and splash in it!
On our way back Clifton got a ride!

This week I did some things around the house.  

First I made a menu board.  Alex and I always plan the meals a week ahead so I can make one shopping list and not get more then needed and to just be prepared!
Then I finally put up the decorations my friends made for McKay's room.  Her room looks so stinking cute thanks to all my crafty friends!  I just need to finish by finding material for curtains.

The weekend was spent helping our friends move in just a few houses over.  We are real excited to have them living closer.  Clifton is real excited about it because he can go play with his little friend Evan more!

1 comment:

  1. I love the picture of Clifton and McKay during tummy time. Clifton will like nursery eventually, I promise! Good for you, getting out there and going on walks already. McKay's room is looking pretty cute!
