
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Learning how to handle two

Updates on Clifton -
New words - up, all done, amen, and outside.  I think he knew how to say most of them but choose not to until now:)  We are real excited because Clifton is starting to put two to three words together and making sentences!
Clifton has a new interest.  Alex turned on Wall-e the other day and now Clifton asks to watch it all the time.  He thinks Wall-e is a tractor!

He loves his little sister a lot.  He gives her kisses and hugs all day long.  He also calls her Baby Kay (which is super duper cute).  The only problem is he does not get how to be gentle yet.  He wants to hug her and kiss her all day so I have to keep an eye and make sure he is not smothering her.  But he is doing a lot better then I had expected.  It amazes me how grown up he looks and acts to me know that Baby McKay has arrived.  He also loves helping with McKay.  Lets hope this continues!

Updates on McKay -
She is doing well.  It has really shocked Alex and I how different children can be from day one.  McKay is so different then Clifton.  She is our little eater, wanting to eat almost every hour and lots:)  She is also our wiggle worm.  She has really really sensitive skin and we have to use a wash cloth to clean her at each diaper change so she does not get a rash.  We are still trying to fight her rash but it is a lot better than it was.  We are going to try switching to sensitive formula to see if that helps too.  But besides that she is our healthy and happy little baby.  We have loved having her here and getting to know her.

So this week Alex used some leave and was off work.  It was nice being able to have him for this long and learning together what it is going to take to have two kiddos.  We did not do much.  We simply stayed at home and enjoyed this time we all have together and try to figure things out.

The highlight of my week was being able to visit with my friend Melinda.  She had a baby about a month ago and I was able to go to her baby shower and meet her little Baby girl.  It was a lot of fun catching up and seeing how her family is changing and evolving.  Baby Marie is very cute!  I hope that Baby Marie and Baby McKay can become friends too.

We went to church for the first time after baby.  We just attended Sacrament but from that we realized we are going to have our hands full.  Sundays are going to be a real challenge but hopefully we can get the hang of it and get Clifton to go to nursery.  I do have lots of women in the ward to turn to for advice and help so we should be okay.

Besides that we are loving Baby McKay and she is a perfect addition into our little family!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad to hear that things are going okay. Aaron had fierce diaper rash when he was a newborn too. Powder (cornstarch type) at each diaper change helped him a lot. You could also ask your doctor about her rash because it could be something that a little nystatin would clear up in a day or two. (Not to make all of this sound as if you are doing it wrong. Water only wipes are definitely the way to go and the first thing to try!) And can I say it again, she is soooo cute!
