
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

First week alone

Updates on Clifton - 
New words - dinner, Wall-e, nodder, and milk.  He is continuing to put words together and making short sentences.  He is really growing up in front of our eyes.  He seems so big and grown up! Tuesday a friend of mine came and picked up Clifton to play at her house with her little one (which was extremely nice).  He did not cry or fuss when he left and he had a ton of fun.  I never really leave Clifton so it was a big deal that he can do it without freaking out.  Also, on Sunday, Alex dropped him off at nursery without him screaming or crying.  It only lasted for 10 minutes or so but hey that is progress:)

Updates on McKay - She has gained her birth weight back and then some.  So she is healthy and strong!  We have finally gotten control of her rash and hope to stay on top of it from here on out.  She is doing well adjusting to this world and we love having her.

For FHE we played some games together as a family.  

We got the dominoes out and stacked or set them up to knock them down.  Which is quite a task to keep them up until we were finished with Clifton.  He loved knocking them over!
To keep Clifton entertained and happy during this cold week we brought the slide inside to play with.  He loved it!
 First he was sliding down but then it turned into a ramp for all his cars, trucks, and tractors!  We had a blast!

Friday I decided to try and venture out with the two of them!

We went to the mall.  I had to return something and then we went to play at the indoor play area.  Clifton did soooooo good.  He held onto my hand and stayed with me.  He also was a big boy and went to play in the play area by himself.  He usually needs me.  But he is really growing up in the last few week that McKay has been here!

I had my baby shower Saturday.  My friend Jenny threw the party for McKay and I witht he help of other friends and some family.  It was so fun and so cute.  Luckily I have creative and crafty friends and family because I lack in that category a little. 

This is only part of the decorations.  Everything was soooooo cute and tasty!

 My niece Grace loved the fact that they had bottles that we could use as cups!  She thought it was so funny!

There was a lot of friends and family that traveled to come meet McKay.  I had a ton of fun celebrating the arrival of Baby McKay with friends and family!It was a wonderful day!

Sunday we got SNOW!!!!!!

So of course Clifton and I had to go out and play in the snow for a little while.  It was fun to watch Clifton experience something new.

It was a splendid first week with Alex back to work.  Being a mother is hard but so totally worth it and full of fun experiences!


  1. I love your blog! You make me so excited to be a mom! Your kids are so adorable!

    1. Melody that is so nice to say! You are going to rock at being a mom and you'll love it too. I am so excited for you guys:)
