
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Best Christmas Ever!!!!!

Updates on Clifton - 
New words -  "Dag gum" and he can name most of the trains from Thomas the Train and some of the cars from Cars 2.  
So I had the first night away from Clifton ever and it went well.  He slept the whole night through.  And he actually let someone else put him to sleep:)

So I am a week behind but I have a good excuse!

The week before Christmas -

For FHE we made brownie Christmas trees.

 We had lots of fun and they tasted great!

I had a lot of help that week.  Alex's mother came up for a night and helped:) Then my mother came up to help for a while.  I appreciate all the help I was able to get.  Without a wonderful mother in law and mother I would have been so tired and unprepared.  I love and appreciate them both very much!

With my mother in town she did lots of playing to get Clifton comfortable with her.  He sure loved having her to play with.
 She did art projects with him!
 Played lots of fun games!
Crawled around with him.  She just made sure he was comfortable and happy with her so he would not be freaked out when I was not there.  Plus I was able to rest:)

Christmas came!  Still no baby that morning.  

So we had our first Christmas at home.  We missed family and their traditions but made it fun anyway.  This is what Christmas morning looked like at the Peterson's:)

Clifton had a Cars theme Christmas.  Not planned but almost all of his gifts revolved around Cars.  Which he loves!  Or Thomas the Train.  It was a lot of fun to see him get excited about gifts.  I would give up all my gifts to see him light up like he did for his gifts.   I really enjoyed Christmas morning with my little family!  Alex spoiled me and got me a video monitor for both of the baby's rooms.  It has a camera we mounted to the wall  in each room and you can speak over the monitor.  It is just what every worrisome mother like me needs:)

There is a Mater toy that Clifton got from Grandma and Grandpa P that speaks when you shake it.  One thing he says is "Dag gum".  Clifton picked up the saying "Dag gum" real fast and says it all the time now.  It really makes us laugh!  It really gets me that kids can hear something once and say it but choose not to say something they hear all the time like "Love you".

So we went about the day as scheduled.  Went to church and then our friends, Stewart's, invited us over for a Christmas dinner.  We had an enjoyable evening eating and Clifton loved playing with his little friend Evan.  They got their daughter Just Dance 3 for Christmas and suggested we try it. We all thought it was worth a try to possible put me into labor.  So we all danced and had a grand ol' time.

Here is my mother dancing with Brain!  I am not sure if dancing of laughing so hard put me into labor:)
Nothing seemed to be happening after dancing.  So we thought another night had passed and no baby:(  As soon as we got home I started getting painful contractions.  They were only 7 minutes apart so we called the hospital.  They said to wait till they were 5 minutes from start of one contraction to the start of another and wait about an hour of that happening to come in unless contractions start getting real close.  Well they were five minutes apart for about a half an hour and I said we had to go.  Going into labor naturally was new to me so I was not sure if I was weak or if this was full blown labor.  Both Alex and I thought we had a long night ahead of us and baby would arrive on the 26th.  Well we got the doctors at about 10:40pm and I was 9 cm dilated and ready to start pushing soon.  So they rushed me into the room I would deliver in.  Then they had the nerve to tell me I had to wait to push till the doctor got there.  It felt like it took him FOREVER!  But he finally got there and they broke my water and one push later I gave birth to a healthy baby girl at 11:17pm on Christmas day.  The worlds best Christmas present! 

She was 8 lbs 1 oz and 21 inches long.  She came out with a full head of dark hair and as cute as could be.  We fell in love with her immediately! We named her Baby McKay.

The hospital had a little Christmas outfit that they gave us!

 Clifton's first visit with Baby McKay.  He seemed really interested in her and was real soft with her.

 This is the first day we brought McKay home.  Clifton wanted to show her his room.  It was real cute.  He showed her his toys and bed and everything.  He did not quite understand why she did not play with the things he tried to hand to her but was still excited to show off his stuff.

Just a collection of cute pictures we have taken of her since coming home.
 Clifton really likes helping with Baby McKay!
 He loves giving her kisses!

Besides that this week has been full of trying to figure things out.  How to be a mother of two and how to handle tough situations.  Luckily my mother was able to stay with us till Saturday and Alex is still on Holiday time. 


  1. She is so precious, Kenna! Congrats on a wonderful Christmas baby. Good luck with two.

  2. I'm glad you listened to your gut and went to the hospital when you felt like it and not when they told you to. They are so dumb about that!! She is beautiful! Congratulations!

  3. Kenna, she is so cute! I'm glad you made it to the hospital and that everything went well. I can't wait to meet her. I hope you're getting a little rest and loving this time with your new little one. Let me know if you need anything!
