
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

My Big 2 Year Old

Updates on Clifton -
He turned 2 on Sunday the 18th!  He is definitely a 2 year old!  He is such a big boy and it is so hard to believe 2 years have gone by.  I cannot imagine how fast the other years are going to fly. He continues to talk and talk all the time.  And he often surprises us with things/words he knows.

Updates on McKay -
She has acid reflux:(  She is now on medicine and doing well.  Just a lot of spitting up but at least it does not hurt her now when she spits up.

Baby McKay's St Patrick's outfits!

  If you ever wonder if Clifton likes his sister, the answer is YES!  He loves her.

We had a ton of fun this week.  For FHE we made yarn Easter eggs.

 Clifton helping make the glue mixture for the eggs!

They turned out cute.  I only had enough glue to make two, but I like them.

I kept the boys real busy this week with fun activities.  First we got shaving cream out and rolled cars around in it.

 This is Clifton when he touched it.  He hates messy stuff.

 Evan on the other hand was fine with messy stuff!

 Clifton eventually got a little messy and had fun.  This is him saying FUN!  Blurry but I love this picture.

 They had the most fun cleaning up the toys in the sink!

 I also took the boys to Jump!

 We got Easter eggs out and egg cartons.  We were matching colors!  Then I got pom poms out and they were filling the eggs with pom poms.  Again we were matching colors.  They liked it!

More snow!!!!  I think Mother Nature is confused on what month it is!  But I let the boys play in it for a little.  But it started pouring 5 minutes after they went out and it turned into a muddy mess.

The boys also helped with the laundry.  Child labor at its finest:)

I made a spring wreath... hoping spring will show up soon!

Clifton is such a fun boy.  Alex and I love just running around and being silly with him.

I wrapped Clifton and Evans gifts while Clifton was sleeping.  When he woke up I had the empty rolls out still.  So we played sword.  Probably not the best thing to teach him but it was a ton of fun.

We often give Clifton airplane rides and he is learning to take turns with Evan and McKay.  So when Alex was giving him a ride after he was done he said it was mommy's turn.  So Alex gave me an airplane ride!

 Thursday our car broke down:(  It would not turn over.  So we thought it was the ignition.  We took it in and the mechanic said it was the ignition and it would be an easy fix.  SWEET!  But then a few hours later we got a call saying it was something else and it was a huge bill.  But they had a used part we could use for half the price.  So we agreed.  Then I got a call the next day saying it is done but since it is a used part we have to take it to Chrysler and get it reprogrammed.  So we still do not have the car back and do not know the final bill which makes me really upset:(
The upside to this all is Clifton thought the tow truck that came and got our car was Mater!  He makes negatives into positives when I need it. I love that boy:)

My parents and brother Chip came to town!  This is his first time coming to our home and meeting Baby McKay. It was my Dad's first time meeting McKay as well.

Clifton loves him and calls him Big Chip!

My brother is silly that is all I have to say!

Chip brought a fun game that we played.  It makes you do silly things.  I really liked it:)

 This is Chip making his belly button talk.  I am sure he appreciates that I posted this:)

This is my mom laughing so hard she is crying.  She had to laugh after someone laughed or move back a space.  Very funny!

Saturday we had Clifton's birthday party.

 Alex did a great job with the invites!

This is the cake I made for Clifton!  I really love how it turned out and so did Clifton!  I can make a cake look like dirt no problem, just don't ask me to make a cake look good:)

 The kids could play in dirt with tractors!

 Each kid got a tool belt and hard hat!

Pudding, Oreos, and gummy worms!

Clifton arriving to his party!

 Evan as a bulldozer driver.

 Singing happy birthday to the boys!

 Decorating hard hats!

We had so much fun at the party.  Clifton talked about it the next day saying "party fun."  That made my day!!!!!!!!!!  I am glad I could throw a party he enjoyed.  That is all that mattered to me.
Thank you everyone who came and celebrated with us.


  1. You are one creative and motivated mother! Always doing some sort of craft or amazing party! Good work Kenna!

    1. Thanks Stephanie. I try to make things fun:)

  2. So much fun! The party was great!!I love reading about you exciting weeks!

    1. Thanks Andrea! I am glad you were able to come:)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. What an adorable birthday party!!! I am way impressed! I love following you on pinterest, bc you pin all these great kid's activities and I do them with my two-year-old!

    1. Thank you! I love pinterest so much. It has great ideas! I love following you too. PS you have a super cute little family:)
