
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Half Marathon

Updates on Clifton -
He is SUCH a daddy's boy!  He wants dad to do everything and always wants dad's full attention.  If I tell Clifton that I love him he will say "I love Daddy."  No joke:/  I can't blame him, he does have a good dad.
Clifton is getting really good with his colors.  He is not perfect but for the most part he could name his color and point to the right color.  He is also getting good at one to one correspondence.  He knows his numbers up to ten but he is starting to count one item at a time and count the correct number of items.  He is still working on it but he does pretty well.
He loves his sister and it melts my heart!

Updates on McKay -
Well her first tooth has made an appearance.  Here we go!  She actually is handling it well.  A little more fussy and needy then normal but it has not interrupted her sleeping, yet.  Hopefully I did not jinx myself:/
Her personality continues to shine more and more everyday.  She is going to be just as silly as Clifton is.

 She is using a sippy now!  She is growing up super fast.

For Labor day we spent the night at Alex's parents house.  Clifton loves going to Grandma and Grandpa's house.

Grandma had some more blackberries to pick.  So Clifton got to work!

On Labor day I spent the morning doing my half marathon.  It was my goal that I gave myself after I started running a few months ago.  I also decided to give myself a more challenging goal (for me maybe not challenging for others) to run a half marathon, 13.1, in under two hours.  So summer was coming to an end and I wanted to get one in.  I found one in Elma which is right next to Alex's home town, McCleary.  I knew it was a small town so I was not expecting a big turn out or a fancy race.  I figured we could spend time with Alex family over the holiday and Alex could hang out at home with the kids while I was running and just meet me at the end later.
It was defiantly an experience!  There were only 9 half marathon runners.  And I came in second!  The whole time I thought I was in first because no one was in front of me but there was someone who accidentally ran earlier with the marathon people.  Anyway I was excited to come in second even though there were only a few of us.  But since there were only a few of us they did not get prizes.  I just wanted a trophy or something.  Not very often will I come in second.  But the main thing is I did it and I did it in under two hours.  1 hour and fifty eight minutes!  I also got to meet some cool people along the way.  I ran with a guy who was running the marathon but showed up late so he ran with the half marathon people (if you could not tell it was not very organized).  But he was an older man in his 40's and in the last six months has almost traveled to all 50 states to run marathons.  This was is 98th marathon.  He needed to do two more to hit one hundred and go to Alaska to get to all 50 states.  He was intense.  We both had a laugh when telling each others our life stories.  He thought I was crazy for being married and having two kids by the age of 25.  And I thought he was crazy for not being married and not having kids and traveling all over the world to run.  It is interesting to hear the other ways people live their lives.  All in all it was fun and I did what I came to do.  I felt great about myself and proud to have followed through.

This week we went to a small little farm, where Clifton could interact with the animals. 

 Clifton reallly really enjoyed it but it was freaking me out a little.  They also had sheep and they were afraid of us which was fine but they would run around and get close to ramming into us.  Clifton thought it was cool.  I was worried we were going to get trampled.  An adventure indeed!

This is what happens when Clifton asks Dad to color with him.  Alex spends an hour coloring:)  Alex wanted me to put his on the refrigerator too.

The fire fighters for our neighborhood came to talk to our neighborhood about fire safety and they brought their fire trucks along with them.  Clifton could have spent all day and probably all night in the truck. 
 This boy sure loves trucks.  He is totally a boy:)

We had some friends come over to have a Sounders game BBQ!  It was a ton of fun.  It was great to get together with friends and for Clifton to have friends to play with while we ate and watched the game.  I think we should do this more often:)  GO SOUNDERS!

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