
Monday, April 13, 2015

Play, Play, Play!

Updates on Clifton -
He is getting more and more night terrors lately.  He has had them before but we have had four events in the last three months.  The are so not fun and probably the most frustrating thing. He will wake up screaming and hyperventilating but have no idea why and no way to calm him down.  I sure hope this is not becoming a regular thing.  I wish there was something I could do.
Clifton enjoying his birthday present from Aunt Andrea.

Updates on McKay -
She got her hair cut.  It took me a while to get use to it but I love it.  She did so good, sat very still and wasn't scared at all.  She actually enjoyed it.
She had to do my hair too.
Before and after.

Updates on Stanley -
He is becoming quite a talker.  He usually wakes up around 6 and I enjoy having time for him and I to talk.
He is starting to roll to his side but really has no desire to roll over.
He is starting to like tummy time a little bit more.

Monday for FHE we talked about the I Want Monster.  He often doesn't think about what the right thing is to do but thinks about what he wants to do.  Something we are struggling with in our house. So the kids took turns being the I Want Monster while the other kid had to make a choice and ignore the monster.
They really enjoyed being the Monster.  Hopefully they didn't think he was too much fun :)

That night Alex had a soccer game and we went to cheer him on.
We sure love Daddy!

Tuesday was kind of a cold and glum day but we wanted to get out.  Kathryn thought it would be fun to try the Mile Hill Gymnastics open play.  And she was RIGHT!
My goodness it was so fun.  Trampolines, foam pits, rope, rings, bars, and so much!  Our kids had a blast playing and even the moms put the babies down and jumped around for a little.  We will be going back again.  Plus my kids slept so well that night :)

Clifton was so proud of himself!

Wednesday was a sunny day so we ventured out to the new Bremerton park with friends.
 Some one played a little too hard!
We also got to have Evan all day.  It was so nice having him back with us, we sure love that guy.  He is pretty much part of our family.

Thursday was a nice day as well so we enjoyed getting out and going to the Bay.
We had a great morning out together.  We sure do love Washington and the many places we can play outside.  So excited for even more and better sunny days.  Bring on the sun!

Saturday we had a great day celebrating one of our friends birthdays.
What a great week of playing and enjoying our friends and Washington.

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