
Monday, April 6, 2015

Easter 2015

Updates on Clifton -
Seems to be very bored these days.  Keeping him entertained and or happy has been difficult.  I need to give him more job or something.  He also uses "but I am big now.  I am FIVE!"  to try and be able to do things he usually isn't allowed to do.

Updates on McKay -
She has been waking up early this week and waking all of us up along with her.

Updates on Stanley -
He is a Bumbo boy now.
And he is THREE months old and wicked cute.
He is such a delight.  We just love his joyful, laid back personality.  He is growing way too fast.  I love this age and wish it could slow down just a little.

This week we stayed away from the gym and lot of other places, hoping to give Stanley more time to completely get better and no chance of getting sick again.  I am a little nervous now these days.  Not going to the gym and not having day to day plans was definitely hard for us this week but I knew it was important to give Stanley a little more time away from as many germs as possible.

Thankfully we had sunshine this week which allowed us to get out a little.
 We planted some broccoli in our garden... YUM!
 Played frisbee golf, the kids first time.  Clifton was ALL about it and trying to make it in the basket in the fewest throws.  McKay she ran along side Clifton with the frisbee in her hand and once she got close the the basket threw it in.  It sure got all their wiggles out and they loved it.
And forts for the cold rainy days.

Wednesday McKay's friend had a Frozen birthday party.
We had so much fun.  I loved that the girls dressed the boys up as Olaf.  Super cute party!

Saturday Primary put together an Easter Egg Hunt.  Stanley is such a good boy and let me wear him around during all the craziness and even slept through most of it.
We had a good group of kids show up and had an enjoyable time.

That night we went to celebrate Julia's first birthday.
 We love Baby Julia who isn't such a baby anymore :)
Almost of all the Peterson kids at the party.  What a fun bunch they are!  

Sunday was Easter!
 My cute Easter Bunny!  All three of my kiddos have worn this as babies.  I love it!
Love these kids!

We went to Alex's parents house to listen to conference, celebrate Easter, and March/April birthdays.
 A slug was trying eat his candy!
 The grandkids - just missing three.
I love fun times with family.  My kids love their cousins and it means the world to me that they have them as friends.  A wonderful Easter.

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