
Monday, March 30, 2015

Clifton's Birthday Party

Updates on Clifton -
He is so good with numbers and he loves them.  He randomly adds numbers together and tells me what they equal.  He is getting good at reading a clock.  He was so interested in how to, that we got him an app to play and now he's starting to tell time.  That boy and his numbers!

Updates on McKay -
Sure is a silly girl.  She often keeps Alex and I giggling with the things she does.  She is a hoot and I love her and all her craziness.

Updates on Stanley-
Still working on getting better.  By the end of the week he just had a little bit of the cough hanging on but his breathing is completely back to normal.
He is starting to reach and grab for toys hanging in front of him.  And he makes the cutest cooing sounds.

Monday I took Clifton and McKay to their first dentist appointment (don't judge me I know I should have a lot sooner - mommy fail) and was quite scared how Clifton would do.  He is getting better about things like this but is so shy and scared of others and them touching him.  I was not nervous about McKay she is a lot more willing and outgoing.  McKay went first and showed Clifton how its done.  She was not scared at all.
Then Clifton
He had a little melt down while trying to get him in the chair but after that he was good.  And now my kids are even more eager to brush their teeth, use fluoride, and floss.

Tuesday morning my good friend, Amy came and took McKay and Clifton to play because she knew we were all going insane being inside waiting for Stanley to feel better.  I am so lucky to have wonderful friends that offer and are always willing to help.  I am very blessed!

Later that day my mother came to town.  We had planned to play all week but since Stanley wasn't feeling 100% she took the older kids out to play so Stanley and I could recover from last week. She is a wonderful woman and I love her very much.  So selfless.
 He started doing better and being even happier.
She was such great help to me.  And the kids LOVED having her here.

By Thursday Stanley was feeling even better and I felt comfortable taking him outside.  Since it was an amazing Washington day we ventured out.  We went to play at Manchester Beach.
 Perfect day for sand angels!
We had so much fun and got quite wet and dirty.  It was an amazing day and really something I needed after being cooped up at home all week.  It is making me very excited for summer and the weather to continue to get nicer.  I love the beauty and fun we can have in Washington.

Friday was Clifton's party.  And the sun was shining for us!  This year he requested for his party an obstacle course run.  Yep he is totally my child.  I was so excited that he asked for that and was ready to have some fun with him and his friends.
Ready.  Set.  Go!  Oh seeing that smile makes it worth every penny and effort put into it.  Thanks Kathryn for capturing this.
 We had six obstacles in a mile loop.  Cones,
 "Barb wire" crawl,
Straw bale mountain, hula hoop hop, trampoline jump, and balance beam.
And everyone who finished of course got medals!  Man we had a blast.  The kids even asked to do it again.  So we did!  I was pooped that night but man it was worth it to see Clifton having so much fun with his friends.  And I had a blast playing with them.  These things I really enjoy doing with my kids.  Success!  Thank you everyone who came and made it so much fun.

Saturday our niece was getting baptized and we were privileged to go.  It was a wonderful baptism and was great to watch her make a great decision.  After the baptism they had a luncheon and a party because it was also her birthday.  They had a rock wall there and I was certain Clifton would pass this up.  He often gets scared climbing up McDonalds play equipment :)  But he insisted.
I am all for letting him try even if he would fail.  But to my surprise he did amazing.  Even when the instructor was being a complete jerk and didn't know how to work with kids.  He got about half way up the wall.  He was so proud of himself and so was I.  A great moment to remember!

Sunday was Easter Sunday since General Conference will be on Easter and we won't have church.
So we got dressed up!  I was in heaven.  My boys looked so insanely cute all matching and handsome.  And of course McKay looked beautiful.  Alex is such a great husband to let me pick out his outfit and even if he didn't love it still wear it to match his boys.  Clifton LOVED matching.  Let's do this every Sunday :) Joking Alex, don't worry!

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