
Monday, March 16, 2015

Soccer Tournament

Updates on Clifton -
He sure is funny.  Every time we change Stanley's diaper we say its a poop or pee bomb and it's going to exploded in 10, 9, 8... And he has to run it to the garbage in the garage before it explodes.  He loves playing this game.  Loves it and it gets diapers out of my house.  The simple things that entertain him.

Updates on McKay -
She finally had her three year check up.  She's looking great.  Weighs 31 pounds (49th%) and 39 inches (82nd%).  The doctor did say that I need to be aware of her speech impediment and make sure it doesn't continue.  I never really thought much of it but will keep an eye on it.  Doctors they often know how to make you feel like less of a parent.
My big and strong girl at the doctors.  She did excellent!

Updates on Stanley -
He plays with toys that hangs in front of him!  He is starting to become aware of more of his surroundings.  He smiles as soon as I look or talk to him.  Makes middle of the night feedings worth it :)  He is a good boy.  Very calm and usually happy.  We are so blessed to have him.

For FHE we had a lesson and then worked in the yard while we had some more sun.
The kids sure thought it was super cool to be up on the wall.

This week was actually a rough week for me as a mom.  Nothing horrible happened but just simple rough stuff moms have to deal with.  Kids that talk back and yell at you all day and little sleep.  I was often upset with the kids and then with myself for being so upset.  It's hard being a mom, but it is always so worth it.  Sometimes we need to just reset.  Luckily I have a wonderful husband that could tell I was on edge this week and did all he could to let me get out without the kids for a short break, even though he has so much on his plate already.  The best thing about having rough days and maybe even weeks where I don't feel enough.  I can turn to the Lord and he reassures me that I am enough.  He lets me know that being a mother is worth it then, now, and forever.  It is hard and I am going to fail time to time, but I have help.  I have my Heavenly Father, my husband, my children that forgive me for my bad days and always love me, and friends.

Fun pictures from this week.
All in our shades soaking up the sun.
 Morning cartoon snuggles.  Love these boys.
 Oh just smiling and talking with Daddy.
Clifton said he was at the beach.  Silly kid.

Saturday was a wonderful day.  Some of our friends that we play soccer with put together a team to play in a tournament at Pendergast Park.  I have an amazing babysitter that is willing to go with me to places because I don't like being far away from Stanley.  She came with us to watch the kids during our games.  
 They had bounce houses for the kids to play on and they were in heaven.
The kids made a sign for our team and cheered us on when they take short breaks from the bounce houses. The kids did awesome while we played.
Our team - the Spider Monkeys.  Sorry for the blurry picture the ref didn't have the sturdiest hands.  Man I had a blast.  We have some awesome friends that enjoy playing with us and play with me even though I am not particularly good.  We lost two games and won the last but we had so much fun playing together.  We actually held our own, we played against teams that play and practice together often.  We just play for fun at the church a couple times a week.  I love my friends and soccer!

That night was also Sounders match day. 
They are the cutest Sounders fans I know.  Even though Sounders had a rough loss we still love them and had a great weekend.

1 comment:

  1. I love this last picture of your Sounders fans. Stanley looks so darn adorable!
