
Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Stanley is Two Months Old!

Updates on Clifton -
I signed Clifton up for Kindergarten!  WHAT!?!?!?!  Is this really happening?  Could he really be old enough to go to school.  He is super excited and I am very nervous.  He is a smart boy and very ready but its hard to be away from him.  I know he will do well I just can't believe he is old enough to be away from mom and dad and have opportunities to make good or bad choices without us there.  It's kind of scary.

Updates on McKay -
She can ride a bike!
So proud of her!  She often gets into a fit of she can't do anything and falls to the floor acting like she is broken everywhere.  So I am beyond happy when she does actually try and do something.  I am really hoping this falling to the floor in fake pain is a phase and will pass.

Updates on Stanley -
He is two months old!  Seriously this is going way too fast.

Waiting for the doctor to come in and check him out.  He is my small boy still - 9.9 lbs (4%) and 22 inches (10%).  I guess I make small boys.  Clifton was small too for a long time and finally caught up.  He looks great though, healthy and happy.  Oh and super cute!

For FHE we taught the kids about the third article of faith they are working on memorizing.  So to teach them about the Atonement I used water and food coloring for sin and bleach for the atonement. I may have confused them.  I think what they got from my lesson is that they bleach fixes our sins and to be clean they should drink some bleach.  Well it was worth a try :)  Don't worry the bleach is locked up!

What a beautiful week we had here in Washington!
The kids were so helpful this week helping me clean up my garden.  Don't judge me with how out of control it got :/
We even got to get together with friends and play at a new park.
Being outside sure makes the days go by faster.  We had a ton of fun getting out this week.

Some cute pictures from this week...
 Like Father like son.  Tummy time sure is tiring for all :)
I love watching my older kids making Stanley smile.  It's so cute!
She sure looks like a natural.

Saturday we went to South Center mall and had dinner at Rainforest Cafe with the Peterson clan to celebrate February birthdays.  McKay and Clifton loved it!  Stanley was a tad bit overwhelmed by the noise and dim lighting.  But it was good to get together with family.

Sunday the Sounders season started!
And we were very ready to cheer them on.  All of us are excited for the season!

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