
Monday, August 31, 2015

Kitsap Fair 2015

Updates on Clifton -
He finally finished his 100 hour of reading!!!  Thankfully the library ordered more for those who finished later.  He worked so hard, as did I, to reach his goal.  Clifton is super determined and that is probably one of my favorite traits he has.
Clifton is still loving soccer.  He had another game this week and scored a couple goals.  I love watching him play and have fun with his team.  LOVE IT!
Clifton has the best cheerleaders on the sidelines!

Updates on McKay -
McKay gave Stanley some licorice while I was not looking.  And this was the outcome.  I asked the kids where Stanley got the licorice she quickly said "me".  I then asked when and with a smile she answered "when you are not seeing."  Oh this girl.  But man it made for a good laugh.

Updates on Stanley -
He got his first tooth poking through.  Not sure why I am so excited because teething stinks, but I am.    He is definitely more fussy but still a pretty happy baby.  Firsts are so dang fun!

This week we had Evan and his cousin Bella with us.  Oh how we loved having Evan with us again.  He is such apart of our family and Bella, well she fits right in too.  We had a fun week with them.
Last play group of the summer.
 Miniture golf.
 Love this goofy trio!
 Clifton got a hole in one and wanted proof to show Daddy later.
Playing in the sand and searching for crabs.

We also got to play with the Neilson's this week.  Boy do we love playing with them.
And Kathryn got some pretty awesome pictures of our cute kiddos playing.  I love how Kathryn and I can sit back and watch the kids play together.  They play so well.  Kind of sad for school to start, Clifton and Baylee won't get to see each other as much :(

We also got to spend an afternoon with our friend the McCown's and celebrate Emmalee's birthday.  We decided to take them frisbee golfing.

We also had a friends birthday party.  Lots of fun dancing (limbo) and celebrating.
We love our fun friends.

This week we got to go to the Kitsap Fair.
The cutest troublemakers.
We had so much fun riding rides and looking at the animals.  A fun night out together as a family.

Sunday for primary I had planned for the kids to help do a service project for the local foster children in our area.  Together with Child and Family Services we came up with the idea of a comfort kit.  It had gently used stuffed animals and books, part of socks, notebook, and pictures drawn from the primary kids.
We were able to put together 16 comfort kits for them.  It was a crazy Sunday but I would not change it.  It was a great experience doing service with the kids and to see them so into helping other children.  What a great bunch of kids our ward has!

Sunday we are trying to find good family activities to do together.  So now that the weather is cooling down we are going to make Sunday baking day.
 I love my little bakers!
It got a little messy and Stanley was quite proud of himself for reaching the bowl and dumping it out.  Silly boy!

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