
Monday, August 3, 2015

Water , Water, and More Water!

Updates on Stanley -
He is finally sitting up! And he is quite happy about it.
 Man he is cute!
 Sitting up in the bath is so much more fun!
Sitting up and helping mom do some laundry.  Ok maybe not helping but making it way more fun to do.

Updates on Clifton  and Updates on McKay -
They have been getting along pretty well.  Of course not perfect but they sure enjoy playing with each other more.  Which makes me very happy.  I hope it continues and they realize they can be friends forever.
These two!  

Monday for FHE we went to Clifton's soccer league clinic.  
Soccer is starting soon and we are so excited!

Tuesday our primary had a water party.  The kids were challenged to pass of 310 Articles of Faith (together as a group) and they did it.  So to celebrate we had a water party!
 At the end the kids got to choose between teachers and leaders to dunk water on if they hit the bulls eye.  They loved it! It was mighty cold water.
My kids were super soaked to do this and of course choose me.  I think Alex enjoyed it the most.  He "had" to help them.  A super fun evening with wonderful people.  I love my calling and love everyone I get to serve with.

Wednesday we meet our wonderful friends at the zoo.  Our first time this year.
What a fun afternoon we had together.  

Thursday we went to the Harbor Fountains to play in the water.
Fun afternoon playing together as a family.  Being a mom is so fun!

That night I got to go have a ladies night with my friends.
Paddle boarding in Poulsbo.  It was my first time and I was so dang scared.  I love the ocean/bay but am a little afraid of being in it.  By a little I mean a lot.  Thank goodness I didn't fall in.  I feel in love with paddle boarding.  What a beautiful view out on the water and there was mommy and baby seals out soaking up the sun.  Plus I was with some awesome women talking about whatever we wanted.  Best night!
Love Kathryn to pieces.

Friday we got to go play at Charlie's birthday party at a fun bounce house play place.  It was a ton if fun.

It was a HOT week so we played in the water most of the week.  I finally got a little pool to play in and it has been a huge hit this week.
Daddy scored some cool points by putting the pool under the slide.
They had so much fun!

Saturday my mother in law came over and watched they kids (thanks Tessa for helping with the kids too) while Alex and I went to our first Sounders game this season.  It's Alex's birthday next week and I got tickets for his present.
 Ferry ride over. I love the ferries and where we live so much.  A beautiful ride!
 Dempsey gave me a thumbs up!
We had some pretty awesome seats.  We were so close.  Alex was holding me back from jumping down there and hugging them all.
Alex's best Mad Dempsey Face.  We had a blast.  Sadly we lost, Sounders are having a rough season. We still love the Sounders and hope we can get out of this bad streak.  An amazing night out together with my hubby!

Sunday we meet family in the park and had dinner.  We got to meet up with Alex's cousins too.
What a great evening out with family.

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