
Monday, October 19, 2015

Fall is Here

Updates on Clifton -
He can be such a big helper.  He loves loves helping with Stanley. One the way home from somewhere this week Stanley was crying and wouldn't stop.  Clifton offered to feed him we tried a bottle he wouldn't take it so Clifton asked if he could feed Stanley real food.  All I had was yogurt covered raisins.  I said he can have those but only if they are bitten in half.  Clifton said yuck I don't like those.  I told him he didn't need to feed him then.  But Clifton insisted.  He bite the raisin in half, let out a big yuck, and feed it to Stanley.  And it made Stanley so happy.  Clifton did that the whole ride home to keep Stanley from crying.  What a sweet heart willing to do something he doesn't like to make his brother happy.  Now if we could get him and McKay to treat each other that way!

Updates on McKay -
It was a tough week for McKay.  Lots of crying and screaming.  I am trying very hard to figure what the best way for her and for me to handle her emotions.  By the end of the week things seemed to cool down and we had more smiles then let downs.

Updates on Stanley -
He had his 9 month check up.  He is now in the 5th percentile for weight at 16 pounds.  So glad to hear he is moving up on the charts.  Everything is looking great for him.  his breathing seems to be good and getting bigger and stronger.
He makes the cutest "stink face" (that's what we call it).
It makes us laugh almost every time he does it.
He is my mover... he finally figured out how to climb up the stairs.
Time for a gate at the bottom again.

Monday there was no school so we went out to play with friends.
Corn maze!  What a fun outing.  It was nice having all the kids home to play.  I often miss those days.

For FHE we did our annual pumpkin potato head decorating.
I think they turned out super cute again this year.  Oh how I love holidays!

This week we had some beautiful fall days.  So we got out and played because sooner than we know it it will be too cold to get out.
 Playing in the leaves!
 Picnic at the park.
Some family fun down by the bay.
Alex and I even got to sneak away for an hour and play tennis.  I won four games!!!  Out of ten but hey I'll take it.  Alex is the best hubby.  He has had meeting almost every night this week and is heading out of town next week.  The one night he had free he choose to take me out to play tennis and then have a movie night with the family.  I wouldn't have blamed him if he just want to be at home a do nothing after that crazy week.

Thursday afternoon we got to go to the Tacoma Children's museum with some friends.
Always a fun place to go and it was nice to go with our friends.

Saturday the kids and I decided we would drive out to Bainbridge Island do the pumpkin walk.  Alex had a meeting that night so he couldn't join us but went with friends.
It was fun to walk the path with tons and tons of carved pumpkins.  A very cute event.  Not sure it was worth the drive and crazy business for me. At least not without a hubby to help.

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