
Monday, October 5, 2015

Stanley's 9 Months

Updates on Clifton -
He still enjoys school but this week he said he got in trouble with the teacher because he wasn't listening.  He said she put him in time out which I was surprised to hear and honestly not sure how I feel about time outs in school, but I hope he can learn from this and make good choices.  I am so so so glad that he is talking to Alex and I about it things that are happening at school good and bad behaviors he sees and things that he does.

Updates on McKay -
I am really enjoying learning more about McKay now that Clifton is in school.  We talk a lot more and she decides what activities to do. It is going to be a fun year with her and Stanley.

Updates on Stanley -
He is crawling every where and standing up on everything.  Which also means a lot of bonks :(
 He was most proud of himself when he stood up in the bath!
About half the time he crawls like a bear.  It is pretty silly and he usually ends up falling over.
Getting into trouble :)
He turned nine months old Friday.  Time is going too fast, slow down I want to enjoy my babies.

Monday McKay choose to go on a walk on the docks.  And get ice cream too of course :)
It was a beautiful day out and there was a seal swimming around the docks.  I love where we live, seeing seals never gets old.

Preschool is going great.  These girls are so much fun.
It has been really good for McKay. 

Thursday we got to go to the zoo with friends.
It was another beautiful day and it was so nice to go with friends.  A great time!

That night Clifton's school district had a track event.  Each grade was doing a race and each kid got a ribbon at the end.  For kindergarten they separated the boys from the girls.  So Clifton ran with about 40 other boys his age.  
Get ready, set...
He finished 6th which I thought was so good.  They accidentally gave him the 7th place ribbon and he wasn't too happy about that.  But it was a super fun and cute night.

Friday night a young man that we did trek with a few years ago (our trek son) invited us to his football game in Vashon Island.  He was hoping to break a record.    
It was a beautiful fall night.  And so much fun to go with our family and friends to cheer Bryce on.  He was doing so great (two touch down and some great runs) and then they had to bench him because they were crushing the other team.  

Saturday and Sunday was General Conference.  One of our favorite weekends of the year.
Stamley's naps matched up almost exactly with the sessions so we tried our best to get Clifton and McKay to love conference.  This year we got candy and each time they said a word (spirit, prophet, temple, and scripture) they got to get one piece of candy.  They were very into it.
Sunday we got to watch Conference at Grandma and Grandpa's house.
Daddy getting their wiggles out in-between sessions. A wonderful weekend!

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