
Tuesday, December 22, 2015

McKay's Fourth Party

Updates on Clifton -
He got his first report card and I am mighty proud of all his hard work.  He is really loving school and trying very hard to be the best he can.  I hope he always keeps this attitude.

Updates on McKay -
Very excited about her birthday and tells everyone that talks to her that her birthday is on Christmas!  I love that she feels special that her birthday is on Christmas.  I hope she always feels that way.

Updates on Stanley -
My happy boy has been quite a grumpy boy this week.  I hope it teething!
He sure loves to walk and has caught onto it pretty quickly.  We find he often times walking in circles.  And boy does he love to chase McKay snd Clifton.  Silly kiddo.

Monday I got to help out at Clifton's school again.  I was able to do reading test for the teacher, which I greatly enjoy doing!
I think Clifton likes it when I come to school too.  This made my heart melt.  Yep its worth finding a babysitter and fitting it in.

For FHE we had our good friends the Millers come over for dinner and games.  This will be the last time we get to spend with them before they move.

Tuesday night Clifton had his Kindergarten Christmas Concert.  It was super cute!

Wednesday Alex and I were able to squeeze a much need date.  Christmas shopping date!
Boy oh boy do I love having him home!

We have been having a ton of fun this week playing together with friends and family.
 Hobbit house all decorated for Christmas.
 Acting out the Nativity.

Ugly sweater party.  Alex is the best sport and hubby ever.
Lunch date kid free!
Alex and I even got a second date in, making up for lost time :)  And finally got to see the Hunger Games.  And I was not disappointed.

Saturday we got to do a service project together as a family.  We delivered packages of food and little gifts from the Food Bank to an assisted living home.  A wonderful experience.

Afterwards we celebrated McKay's birthday (early since Christmas is already spoken for).
McKay insisted she did not want cupcakes for her party but banana muffins and snickerdoodles.  And she wanted to make them :)
We rented out the Mile high Gymnastic Center.
Yep thats me!   And I am still sore.

 A lot of fun was had!  McKay was very pleased.

Sunday was Christmas Sunday and we had cute matching outfits to wear.

That night we spent the evening with friends wishing our friends the Neal a farewell.
While there Santa came around on the firetruck handing out candy canes. A fun night!
And lucky us we caught him in our neigh bird when we got home.  That makes up for no Santa visits this year!

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