
Monday, December 7, 2015

Portland Thanksgiving 2015

Updates on Clifton -
He got his first love note this week.
He has quite a few girls who have a little crush on him and he has no idea.  It's so stinking cute!  This week at school a girl from his class ran into me and said hi.  She told her mom I was Clifton's mom.  Her mom said "oh, she talks about Clifton all the time."  I said to the girl "your name is Taylor, right?"  She said yes.  I said "oh he talks about you too."  She squealed and yelled "he talks about me, he really talks about me!"

Updates on McKay -
Still being my silly girl.

Updates on Stanley -
He is 11 months old!
Took his first step this week and is getting more comfortable standing!  His asthma was bugging him again this week and gave me a scare.  Thankfully after a visit to the doctors they allowed us to give him more puffs of his inhaler each day and that has worked!

Monday I got to help out at Clifton's school!
I love the school environment.  Hoping to do this every other Monday.

For FHE we put together a list of Christ centered activities we want to do each day till Christmas.
We had fun this week making nativities, cards for soldiers, sharing our favorite stories of Christ, etc...

This week McKay wanted to go to the zoo, so we jumped in the car and headed out there.  Only to find out during winter the zoo is closed two days a week.
So we explored Owen Beach which is right next to the Zoo.  And it didn't disappoint.
We also went back to Discovery Village and played with some friends.
Fun place and good friends!
Thursday night we went over to our friends house and decorated gingerbread houses.
Our friend does this every year and I love this tradition.

Friday was pajama day at school.
Cutie!  We all took advantage of PJ day and stayed in our PJ's all day too.
That night I had plans to go to a ladies night but since Stanley was struggling with breathing I needed to stay with him.  Luckily my friend invited us over for pizza and a movie and that made for a really fun night.
And the girls were being so cute.

Saturday we had plans to take the train down and stay the night in Portland.  But since Stanley's asthma was acting up and is worst at night I decided to make it a day trip.
 All aboard!
Clifton wrote all of our bag tags.  The train ride was a success!
Once there we went to visit Great Grandpa at his assisted living home.
Clifton sure came out of his shell.  He was singing to the elderly and making them smile.  It was a great experience.  At the end of the day I asked Clifton what his favorite part of the day was and it was visiting Great Grandpa.  Oh that made my heart so happy.  I love my Grandpa and to see my son love him as much as I do is priceless.
That night we had the Stanley Thanksgiving.
A good evening with family.  Stanley really enjoyed Great Grandpa's walker.  He was sure it was his toy!
Then back on a late night train ride home!
It was a tiring trip but lots of fun! Glad Stanley was feeling well enough that we could go.
Alex is still doing good in Scotland.  Sad to miss a chance to go to a soccer game out there because of bad weather but other then that he is doing good.
His new look!

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