
Monday, November 30, 2015

Thanksgiving 2015

Updates on Clifton -
Being cute and fun as usual.

Updates on McKay -
Seemed to be real tired this week, not sure if she is growing or what but she was always saying she was tired and sleeping in.

Updates on Stanley -
Well we are hitting the trouble making stage :)   But boy oh boy do we just love him!
 Haha my plan is working!  I have my mom wrapped around my finger.
 Flushing the toilet is so much fun.
Climbing everywhere!  Totally need to remember to strapping him in now.

Monday for FHE activity we went to go get frozen yogurt.  Clifton brought home a perfect test score and a perfect behavior chart from school so we went out to celebrate his hard work.

Tuesday we lost power again from another wind storm, must be a Tuesday thing.  Lets hope it doesn't happen again next Tuesday.
But we tried to make the best of it.  Shadows and dinner by candle light.  Luckily there was still power at Olympic Sports Center and I had my soccer game.  And the power came back on that night... thank goodness!

We are trying to keep busy so we don't realize how much we miss Daddy.
 Bubble fun!
Making cookies!
And movie night watching Shawn the Sheep (which I highly recommend ) in a fort.

Practicing for Thanksgiving day.  Clifton said he wanted to make a Thanksgiving picnic so I got the stuff out and they went to town.
Now they should be ready to help tomorrow!

Thanksgiving.  Our first one with out Alex but we still spent the day with his family because they take me as one of their own.  It was a little different this year since Alex's nephew got home from his mission that day.
It was wonderful to be at the airport when he got to see his family again.  All the love was so strong.  A great day for all!
Then we went down to McCleary and had dinner.
The kids helped set the table!
My cute turkey bum.  A great Thanksgiving although we really did miss Alex.   

Friday I set up a Ladies Turkey Bowl, well because us ladies want to play too. 
It was a ton of fun and beautiful weather!  I sure do love my friends.  Hopefully this will be a annual thing and we can get some more ladies out next year.

Saturday we got to take pictures for Alex's sister Tracie's family. 
It was fun to send the morning with them.  Cousins sure make everything better.  

We also got to play at the cool playground while we were there.
Which was extra special because Alex sent us pictures of a castle he got to visit that day too.  
So we felt a little like Daddy :) Although I think he wins.  Alex is working really hard out in Scotland but had the weekend off to explore a little.

On our way home we stopped at the Glass Museum and explored.
Clifton thought it was super cool and wanted to stay all day to watch them make the glass pieces.

Sunday we got to go to church in Olympia and listen to Cousin Tim give his first talk since being home from his mission.  Then when we got home I couldn't wait till Monday (FHE) and we decided to decorate for Christmas.
It's starting to look a lot like Christmas!  A great way to end the week.

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