
Sunday, November 22, 2015

Mother/Son Sock Hop

Updates on Clifton -
Sometimes he just really surprises me.  He has always been my extremely shy boy but every now and then he comes out of his shell.  And I love it!  He had a dentist appt this week and they asked if he would come back all by himself.  I was prepared to hear him say no or not answer.  But he said yes and back he walked not nervous at all.  I love moments like that.

Updates on McKay -
Still my baking fool.  But I am trying to cut out a lot of baked goods so we are trying to move it to just a cooking fool.  So she helped cook dinner a couple times this week.  And loved it.  I love that because of her desire to cook and bake it motivates me to be better in that area.

Updates on Stanley -
Not going to lie he is my favorite little thing right now!  I wish I could freeze time.  He just makes me so happy and he is pretty dang happy himself.

Monday was our annual Thanksgiving tree FHE.  I love doing this with my family but this year was my favorite.  They are getting older and actually thinking of all the things they are thankful for.  I didn't have to help give them ideas or anything.
My favorite responses this year... Clifton ... For mom making yummy dinners.  For Dad working hard at his job.  And for pizza!  McKay... For rainbows.  For Jesus and Heavenly Father.

Tuesday there was a big storm and our power kept going out.  So we ran away to play where there was light and warmth.
Imagination Station.
The power was still not on that night.
Luckily the power was on at Olympic Sports Center and my game happened as planned.  We got dinner at Subway and I had four of the cutest cheerleaders rooting for me.  Which it must of helped because I scored a goal!  Glad we had somewhere to go.  Sadly that night was COLD and dark.  The power came on the next afternoon.  Nothing like losing power to make me realize how much I am thankful for electricity.

Wednesday Alex's meeting got canceled so we took the opportunity to go see a movie as a family.
A cute movie!  Luckily there was only one other family, (with young kids too) so Stanley crawled around happily while we watched.

Thursday we went out exploring a new place for us.  Discovery Village in Gig Harbor.
We feel in love with the place.  We will totally be going back.  Cute place to play on cold and or rainy days.

Friday morning we dropped Daddy off for a work trip...
To Scotland!  Super jealous but hope he has a fun experience while he is working up there.

Friday mornings a good friend has started a free soccer clinic for kiddos not in school after we play some soccer together.
McKay struggles with sports and cries a lot when she "can't do it".  But it was fun and real good for her.
That night Clifton's school had a movie night at the school.
I ended up chasing Stanley everywhere, trying to stop him from eating all the pizza.  But it was a fun night.  I love school events and fun things like that.

Saturday we had the opportunity to help deliver food for Thanksgiving to assisted living homes from the food bank.  It was hard without a hubby but totally worth it.
The kids were so into it and to see the faces of the people we delivered too was priceless.  They loved seeing the kids and talking to them.  One lady was so full of joy to see them she asked if she could have a hug.  Clifton being so shy I was prepared to explain that to her but before I had a chance he gave her a big hug.  And she held Stanley.  I left crying.  Its the simple things that matter in life.   How easy was that for us to do and what joy it brought to them and my family.  This will be a family tradition for sure.

That afternoon Clifton had a birthday at Bella Bella cupcakes.  He was the only boy invited... we are in trouble :)  He doesn't even know how good he has it yet.  It was the cutest birthday.
Each kid got to make and decorate their own cupcakes.  McKay was in heaven!

That night Clifton and I got to go on a date. Mother/son Sock Hop!
 Isn't he a stud!
 I'll take any opportunity to dress up.
 Evan and his mom where there too.
"Mom don't kiss me!"
Man what a night!
Again Clifton came out of his shell and danced the night away with me.  It took a little to warm up but then we danced until we could dance no more.
The best part of the night is the DJ saw me doing the Hand Jive and pulled me up on stage.
The many many times I watched Grease has finally paid off!  Looks like I came out of my shell a little too.  Music... it will do that to me :)

Sunday was a good day with help from good friends at church we survived without Alex.
This is Stanley rocking out to the primary music... and to the beat I might add.

Ended the night with great friends making me try new foods!
A wonderful Sunday!

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