
Monday, November 9, 2015

My Birthday 2015!

Updates on Clifton -
He had his first parent teacher conference.  And it went very well.  The only thing she said he could do better is not be as shy.  He does good until asked to speak in front of the class.  Which I don't blame him.  I am the exact same way.  He listens and does what he is told.  He has made friends and is nice to others.  She said he already knows the stuff they are working on and she often has to give him extra work to keep him learning.  We are so proud of him.  He is a smart boy!

Updates on McKay -
McKay has told us she has decided who she wants to marry...
Her friend Marcus.  She gets all giddy around him and when she knows we are going to see him she makes sure she is dressed cute.  Oh man we are in trouble.  But hey at least she has good taste.  Marcus is a cutie!

Updates on Stanley -
He is ten months old and just a hoot!
The many faces of Stanley!  his personality is just the funniest.  We enjoy every minute of him!

This week Clifton had half day due to the parent teacher conferences.  He got home right in-between Stanley's two naps, so we were stuck at home a lot this week.  But we still made sure to have fun.

Monday we had preschool.
And made cute leaf masks.  The girls loved them and exclaimed they had leaf powers.  Love these cute girls.

Tuesday was my birthday!  Alex is amazing... He took the day off and let me sleep in and the kids decorated the house.  Then he sent me to Bellevue to shop with his fabulous sister, Andrea.  And we shopped till we dropped.
We had my make up done and I bought expensive/nice make up (I have never spent more than like 10 dollars on make up - I am cheap). Then I found some jeans.  Andrea persuaded me into trying on skinny jeans and I actually liked them.  The best part was I grabbed the size I thought I was, I had to go back and get a size smaller.  Happy birthday to me!  And I found some cute black boots.  Shopping success!  Thanks Andrea for taking the afternoon off for me.  When I got home Kathryn and her kiddos decorated the garage door.  Cutest thing to come home to.  I felt so much love from many people who called and texted to wish me a happy birthday.  I had a soccer game that night with the women league.  We won and I even scored a goal.  Another present for me :)  It was a perfect day!

The rest of the week I swear we baked everyday.
This girl loves baking.  We attempted to make healthier snickerdoodles with whole wheat, coconut oil and Truvia.  Ya unhealthy snickerdoodles taste much better :)

Saturday was our primary program practice.  It went really well and the kids were ready to shine.  After the program McKay had a friends birthday party.
 She has some great friends!
Sunday was the primary program and the kids did great.  Each said their part by memory and with out help (which is huge for Clifton).
 A fabulous Sunday.
Until the Sounders game :(
Oh man was it a game... it went into overtime and then into PK's.  We lost when their goalie saved two goal kicks.  Man it was a close one.  A great season and we still love our Sounders. Sounders till I die!  Can't wait till next season.

Kathryn took our family pictures and we got them back this week.  Which I love getting them and looking through the pictures.
Love them all.  Kathryn is amazing!

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