
Monday, November 2, 2015

Halloween 2015

Updates on Clifton -
He was sick this week and missed a day of school.  Even though he enjoyed having the day off he was ready to go back to school!

Updates on McKay -
Some how she managed to escape getting sick.   One day she was acting a little tired but no fever or anything.  Lucky lady!

Updates on Stanley -
He didn't get so lucky... Sadly he got the same sickness but he is struggling.  It's been a rough week for him.  We had to get the albuterol out again.  I am so worried this will be our winter.  He doesn't have a fever anymore but he just is struggling to breathe which means he doesn't eat much and doesn't sleep well, up every hour or so.  But the although this stinks at least we have what we need to take care of this at home.

Monday for FHE even though we were not feeling well we still carved pumpkins and had a great night.
 The kids painted their pumpkins and they turned out pretty cute!
Alex and I carved our pumpkins.  I did the Grumpy Cat and Alex did the Michelin Man.

Tuesday night was my first game with the ladies soccer team.
We have a fun bunch of ladies on the team and it was such a great night.  Helps that we won too :)

Since we have had sick kiddos we didn't get to do preschool this week and McKay was pretty sad about it.  She was so sad that Clifton got to have a school Halloween party but not her.  So last minute I called up some friends and we got together to have a little Halloween party.
 All dressed up ready to play.
Mummy wrap!
Cookie decorating!

That night I had some friends over who helped bag 100 bags of candy for our wards Harvest Festival.
It was a good night with fun ladies.

Friday morning I got to go help in Clifton's classroom Halloween party.
So good to be in the classroom with Clifton. Sure makes me miss that environment.  Hopefully I can help out more in the class.

That night was the Harvest Festival.  Feeling Incredible in our costumes!
My goodness it was such a fun night.  We also had a raffle for kids to be able to smash a pie in the bishoprics face.  Clifton won!  He threw it instead but hey it worked.  

Saturday was a rainy rainy day but it cleared up enough for Kathryn to take some family photos for us.  Kathryn is amazing and such a wonderful talented friend to be willing to take our pictures.
Here is a preview!

That night we went out trick or treating.
A successful Halloween!

A fun picture of Clifton and Stanley wearing the same costume.
I make some cute baby boys!

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