
Monday, November 16, 2015

Updates on Clifton -
He is my creative one.  Comes home and first thing he does is get scissors, glue, paper, and markers out.  He goes to town making his very own creations.  I love how artistic he is... definitely didn't get it from me.

Updates on McKay -
I think McKay and I are starting to get each other better.  She still has her many melt downs a day but we have learned how to have lots of fun together.  Her type of fun is sit and just be together, making silly faces, talking, baking/cooking, reading books, anything that means we are together.  Which is really sweet that she just wants to be with me.  And I am pretty sure as the middle child she does get ignored the most.
But we are working on that!

Update on Stanley -
He has so much personality.  He loves saying "uh-oh", bananas, dancing, eating, and most of all playing with his brother.  I just love watching them turn into little people.
He is waking behind anything he can and loves to hold onto my finger and walk.
I am sure he will be running in no time.
Stanley also got his first hair cut!
And bam he looks older and just like Clifton!

Monday for FHE we made treats for McKay's Primary teacher's family.  Her teachers husband had a heart attack, he is doing well now but we wanted to make sure they knew we love them and care for them.
Baking is a love at this house and so are muffins!

Tuesday Clifton's school had a Veteran's Day assembly.  We got to go watch.  Each grade sang a song.
It was so cute!
This is the song his class sang!

Wednesady was Veteran's Day so Clifton had the day off school.  Kathryn took us out to play for the day and we had Evan to play with all day as well!
A super fun day all together!  We sure love the Neilson bunch.

Clifton got his fundraiser orders back and his prizes too.  One of his prizes was eyebrow stickers.
This was pretty much our night!

Friday night I got to throw my friend, Veronica, a baby shower.  She requested a chocolate theme!
So of course there had to be a chocolate fountain.  MaKay begged to come and really wanted to know what a baby shower and chocolate fountain was.    She was somewhat impressed mostly bored :)  but it was a fun girls night out.

Saturday was a jammed pack day!
Church clean up.
Clifton's first school friend birthday party at Kitsap Play.  It was so good to meet many other moms of Clifton's classmates.  A fun time for all!
Dinner with the Morton's and Brandt's.  That's 11 kids total :)
And we even got to cheer on one of our favorite soccer player, Dallin.  It was a good game.  My kids did pretty good braving the cold and rain.

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