
Monday, July 11, 2016

Fourth of July 2016

Updates on Clifton -
One of his six year molars is poking through, but no loose teeth yet.

Updates on McKay -
We have been working on her letters and she almost got them all (lower and upper) and has a lot of her sounds.  I am excited to start working on reading with her.

Updates on Stanley -
He says "NO" a lot.  Yep we are at that stage.  I was liking his "yeah"stage.

Monday was Fourth of July!
We all love when Daddy has an extra day off!
 Looking fly in our festive apparel.  I love that my kids wanted to pose, they are the best!

We headed to Grandma and Grandpa Peterson's for a fun day with cousins.
Boy do I love these kiddos, cousins are the best!
  The day was full of lots of sports and playing around.
Oh and Clifton's first experience with snapchat thanks to his niece.
Boys will always be boys and I love it!
Then we ended the night with a Peterson fire work show cuddled up with cousins.  Wonderful holiday.  Fourth of July isn't my favorite holiday but being with family makes it so much fun.

The rest of the week we spent playing with friends.
We explored a new part of the bay and it was a blast.  There was ton of drift wood and fun things to build with and climb on.

Friday the kids and I went bowling.
And had a blast.  I love how fun my kids are.

Saturday we spent the day playing with friends at a birthday party.

This week I officially started packing...
and I officially hate it!  Our house is supposed to close July 21st so I need to get going.

Sunday Bakeday!
Love traditions.

Fun and silly things from this week...
 McKay made us matching necklaces and they are my favorite ones she has made.  We found shells on the beach that already had a hole in them.
 Started writing our pen pals!
"Mom! Look how close my face is to my butt!" - Clifton
Oh that boy :)

Stanley loves to play peek-a-boo but sometimes he runs into things :)

Updates on me - I went to the doctors the cut open and drained my boil and I am back on antibiotics.  The swelling is down but its pretty bruised and hurts like the dickens.  Hoping this clears it up and we can be done with this.  The doctor thinks it could be related to stress so try to relax, ya maybe after I move.

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