
Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Family Time

Updates on Clifton -
Loves to read and loves getting new books at the library.  He is super excited to do the 100 hours of reading again this summer and already close to his first 10 hours.
He loves to be the one who reads the scriptures every night.  And it sure is cute!

Updates on McKay -
She is loving her creative time.  Anything that she can build or put together or create she is all in.
Its nice that I can give her something to do and she can just go create all by herself and be happy.  Maybe messy but happy!
She's also my little dancer.
I love her to pieces.  Just free styling away.

Updates on Stanley -
Still my crazy active and cute boy.  Keeping me on my toes and running around.
Oh and he has learned how to use a fork and spoon.
He couldn't be more happy about it.

For FHE we discussed Joseph Smith since Monday was the anniversary of his martyrdom.  Alex and I both bore our testimonies about our love and appreciation for JS.  Then we went for a nice nature walk.
 Love these crazies!
A beautiful evening.

This week we had lots of fun playing.  We sure have the best neighbors and friends.  Making it hard for us to leave.  Dallin came over to ask Clifton to play because he thought he might be bored.  Man did he just make a 6 year olds day.  Clifton was over the moon that a big boy wanted to play with him.
 And then Faith did the same thing for McKay.
Seriously they just made me kids the happiest kids around.

Play group started for the summer and we are so happy to get together with friends and play.

Library Wednesdays are a good day.

Then we got to go play with our friends at the Gunyan's.  It was pretty cold out to go swimming but Clifton jumped in anyway with some of his friends.
Love our friends!

Thursday we met with Aunt Rebecca and cousin Julia at the zoo.
 Zoo trips are always so much fun.  Getting a membership to the zoo has been one of the best decisions I have made.  Glad we got to spend the morning with family.

Friday Alex had off and we went to play in Seattle at the Science Museum.
Riding the ferry is probably  one of my favorite things to do and doing it with my favorite people is even better.
 "Mom look how strong I am!"
Yep science centers aren't just for kids ;)
Lego exhibit...
Pretty cool to see what can be done with Lego's!

Saturday was a low key day just being together and resting.  But that night Alex and I snuck away to do some miniature golf.  For the record I totally won!
Love our date nights!
Sunday was also had a needed low key day just spent together.
We all love our Sunday bake day tradition!

Warning you might find this gross...  Ever since my kidney infection I have been getting cellulitis boils.  I have been able to take care of them as annoying as they are until this one.  Of course its a long weekend.  That is my thigh and it feels as bad as it looks.  And no its not contagious!
Hoping I can hold out till Tuesday and see my doctor.  I am not sure whats going on with my body lately, maybe its giving me a taste of being old (almost 30), or the stress of moving and stuff, or something.  But I am so beyond ready to have my healthy body back.

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