
Monday, June 27, 2016

Camping and Dirty Dash 2016

Update on Clifton -
So far loving summer, but it helps that we have been crazy busy.  Hopefully this next week he can keep himself entertained.
He biked without training wheels thanks to our wonderful neighbors for coaching and cheering him on.

Updates on McKay -
She is struggling a little now that Clifton is home all day.  I am sure she misses the time with just me. We will have a ton of fun this summer so hopefully that makes up for it.

Updates on Stanley -
So full of energy and craziness.  He just loves to run and play all day.  He sure is tiring but the cutest thing.  I love this age even though its exhausting.

Alex was gone all week at Camp Helaman.  So we decided to we needed to have a crazy fun week to forget Dad is gone.  My mom came up and we went camping.  Monday morning we headed out.  On our way we stopped at Remlinger Farms.
 Cute little rides.
 Ya Stanley was not a fan of the rides.  Haha
 Pony rides!
 Oh McKay I love how much you love animals.
A super fun afternoon.
On our way to Mt Vernon we had to stop in at Golden Corral for dinner.  HAD TO!
And it didn't disappoint.

Then we made it to the cute little cabin on the bay.
Ended the night with singing songs and doing a talent show by the fire.
The next day we spent at the beach.  It was a little chillier than expected, but we still had a blast.
 Burning his homework and paperwork from his first year of school.  Onto First grade!
Preparing our foil dinners.
 Rocket fun.
And a beautiful sunset on the bay with the islands in the background.  Washington is pure beauty.

The next morning we got up and enjoyed another walk/play on the bay.
Then headed home.
But of course we had to stop and play on our way out.  We heard about a cute Kangaroo farm and decided to stop in.
 Is this not the cutest thing ever?  A little kangaroo and Stanley getting some snuggle time in.  Love it!!!!
Oh and then we got to smooch some alpaca's.  A fun adventure.

Thursday morning McKay had her last dance class and it ended with a performance.
 Stanley thought he got to perform too.  Silly boy!
That night we went to the Circus with friends.
If you asked me it was lame, but my kids were blown away.  Especially my wiggly Stanley.

Friday we spent the afternoon at the Port orchard festivals.
Bounce house!

Saturday Alex got home just in time to head to the Dirty Dash.
 Clean Peterson's.
 Grandma Stanley and Tallyn came to run the kids piglet plunge.
The Dyal's came to run with us.
 We make mud look good ;)
Dirty Peterson's!  It was a cold year so the kids were not so happy at the end because they were freezing, as was I.  But it was still way fun!
When we got home and clean again Alex had to run to DJ the youth dance and the kids and I headed to the Port Orchard Parade.
Made for a super fun filled day!

Sunday we celebrated June birthday's at Grandma and Grandpa Peterson's.
Cute cousins!

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