
Monday, June 6, 2016

Our House is on the Market!

Updates on Clifton -
He is anxious for summer, which I didn't think he would be.  He loves school and hasn't been bugged by us playing while he is at school until now.  Now he is sad when we go places without him.  He is ready to play all day with us and so am I.

Updates on McKay -
That girl has had a great streak of good behavior but now she is back to hitting, yelling, and crying a lot.  Hoping its a growth spurt or just a phase.  I like the happy McKay a lot better.

Updates on Stanley -
He is my little monkey.  Hanging and climbing on everything.  No fear for this kiddo.
He loves praying!  
Always  folding his arms and will say "mom" until we all fold our arms and say a prayer.  Then he claps after each prayer.  It's pretty dang cute!

Monday was Memorial Day and Alex had the day off.  We had plans for our house to be staged and ready for pictures.  Alex's sister, Heather and her family came up and got our house ready.  It sure looks amazing.
Of course we had to have a BBQ.  It was fun to have cousins and family over for the day.

Then that night for FHE we went to see Angry Birds.
The kids loved the movie, I thought it was ok.
The pictures turned out great and it was official.  Our house went on the market!
Wearing booties on their heads.
It was exciting but it left me with a lot of emotions.  We sure are lucky to be surrounded by amazing neighbors.  My kids have great friends on the street to play with and so do I.  Our house has been a wonderful house and place for the last 6 years.  Kind of hard to leave, but then again I am so ready for more space!

We had some great weather this week and took advantage of it.
 Los of hikes and playing outdoor.  We live in such a beautiful place!
 Water fun.
Family walk by the bay.

Popsicles.  I discovered they make mini popsicles, I love them... so much less of a mess.
Soccer... keeping these boys separated is a tough job.  

Friday morning I got to help out at Clifton's school.
It is always so much fun to be in the classroom with him.

That night his school had a 70's dance.
Very fun event.  Clifton and his friends started the conga line.  I am so proud, I have taught him how to party :)

Saturday we had an open house so we needed to spend the day out and about.  We went to the zoo after the boys got done at Clifton's soccer game and McKay and I were done with going to a baptism!
 Stanley loved feeding the birds!
Then one landed on his arm and it may have freaked him out :)
 One even landed on Clifton's head.  Sadly I didn't get a picture of that, it was pretty funny.
Acting like the animals they are riding on.  What a silly bunch I have.

Stanley at the zoo is the funnest thing.  He did this with pretty much every animal that moved.
I sure love this age!

Fun pictures from the week...
 McKay spent the afternoon picking flowers.  
Then came over and announced that she has her flowers, now she is ready to get married!

Sunday I finished my antibiotics but woke up with back pain.  Sure hope I don't have to go through this again.

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