
Tuesday, May 31, 2016


Updates on Clifton, McKay, and Stanley - To be honest I was so out of it this week that I can't say any updates.  McKay and Clifton did have doctors appointments that Alex took them to.  They are doing well and in the 50th percentile in height and weight.

The previous Wednesday I started to get back pain only on one side.  I assumed I pulled a muscle lifting a heavy box or am getting old (which I will admit made me very sad).  It never went away.

Monday I woke up with the normal back pains.  But too tired and hurting to workout (which is a big sign for me).  We made it through the day. I had a dentist appointment which was like torture.  The chair was killing my back and I hate the dentist.  I came home feeling HORRIBLE.  But took a bath and that seemed to help.
We were able to do FHE as planned.  We discussed lying which seems to be an issue in our house.  Clifton seems to confuse lying and joking quite often.

Since I was feeling better after the bath Alex and I made some s'mores and sat out by the fire after the kids were in bed.

BUT THEN that night....
I ended up in the ER with crazy back pain and a fever.  
I have the most incredible friends.  Of course I decided (ok Alex decided) I needed to go into the doctors at 2 AM.  We called up my friend Trissa who willingly took me to the ER and then stayed with me the whole time, which I was not expecting.  She is so kind and wonderful!  I love her so much and am pretty darn lucky to have her as a friend.
Well it was more than back pain...  I had a UTI, kidney infection, and probably a kidney stone.  I gladly took the drugs and was ready to get some much needed sleep.  Little did I know I had a huge fight ahead of me.  Tuesday I did not get out of bed once.   I couldn't open my eyes, eat, or move.  If I did it was to throw up.  I have the most amazing husband ever.  He had to take care of me and take care of all three kiddos.  He is Superman.  Seriously!  He took two days off even thought he just started his new job and handled everything.  Took Clifton and other kids to soccer practice, the older kids to their doctors appointment, made all the meals, kept the house in decent order, woke up with Stanley in the middle of the night, and made sure I was taking my meds at the right time (which was pretty often).  Love that guy to pieces already but sure fell even harder in love with him after this.  Misty also was great helping get Clifton to and sometime from school for me.  Ria also took Clifton to the bus for me when he had to take it one day too.  And Laura bought me some delicious homemade bread, one of the few things I could hold a few bites down.
Wednesday I was feeling better not throwing up, but still stuck in bed all day.

Thursday I was able to get out of bed a little.  Which was good because Alex had a very important meeting that morning.  Again Trissa came to my rescue and helped watch Stanley while I went to a follow up doctors appointment.  And Makayla is awesome and took McKay to dance for me.  The doctors appointment was very disappointing.  My doctor thought they put me on the wrong medicine but didn't have my culture back so was not sure.  Then she gave me more Vicodin  and said its going to be a long weekend, so basically... good luck!  

Friday Jill took my kids for the morning so I could rest and she brought them home with lunch.  I cannot thank her enough, it was so needed and so sweet of her.  Then that day I got a call saying they got my culture and it is only partially effective antibiotics, so I needed to get on new antibiotics right away.  Trissa again stepping in, ran to the store and got them for me.  And I felt a change pretty quickly.  I had not been able to eat since Monday and that left me feeling so so so weak.  That night I finally had a desire to eat and it stayed down.  That was a huge deal.  
My friends knew we are trying to get our house ready to list and they allowed me to borrow their girls to help clean.
I seriously have the best friends and they have wonderful kids!  Felt very blessed and thankful.
Someone thought it was funny to have their head vacuumed.

Saturday and Sunday I was still not great but getting better.  
I can't complain about all the snuggles I got this week.  Sure made being sick not so bad.

It sure is cute to see how much they care.  McKay would often come in check on me and kiss me on my forehead.  They all would come in and just sit and talk with me for a little and I loved those moments.
McKay's new thing.  Showing you she loves you from across the room.  Its pretty cute!

That was probably the sickest I have EVER felt.  I am so very blessed to be surrounded by my wonderful family and friends.  Now back to life!

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